プーチン、米国がISISを支援が破局的事態を招いたと避難。弥勒菩薩ラエルは全核兵の廃止を主張 | 無限への目覚め〜 Becoming Awaken to Infinity, 弥勒菩薩ラエルの教えと共に

無限への目覚め〜 Becoming Awaken to Infinity, 弥勒菩薩ラエルの教えと共に


プーチンの記者会見 アメリカの現状を非難。(日本語字幕付き)
※ ビデオの後、翻訳を記載しています。

Putin: First point, I never said that I view the US as a threat to our national security. President Obama, as you said, views Russia as a threat. But I don't feel the same way about the US.
What I do feel is that, the politics of those in the circle of power, if I may use those terms, ... the politics of those in power in the US is erroneous. It not only contraditcs our national interests, but it undermines any trust that we had in the United States. And, in that way, it actually harms the United States as well, Undermined trust, with the understanding that they are one of the global leaders, in politics and in matters of the economy.

Putin : I can stay silent on many things. But, as I always say, and Dominic here has just mentioned it, one-sided actions, in the continuous search for the next "alliance and coalitions, which are predetermined. This is not a method that seeks to dicuss and agree on mutual grounds of understanding. These are one sided actions. They are carried out all the time. I've said this before.

Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS. Well, who on earth armed them? Who armed the Syrians that were fighting with Assad? Who created the neccsary political informational climate that facilitated this situation? Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area? Do you really not understand as to who is fighting in Syria? They are mercenaries, mostly. Do you understand they are paid money? So, they arm them and pay them a certain amount. I even know what those amounts are.

So they fight, they have the arms, you can't get them to return the weapons of course, at the end. Then, they discover elsewhere pays a little more... So they go fight there.

Then, they occupy the oil fields. Whereever, in Iraq, in Syria. They start extracting the oil, and this oil is purchased by somebody. Where are the sanctions on the parties purchasing this oil? Do you believe the US does not know who is buying it? Is it not their allies that are buying oil from ISIS? Do you not think the US has the power to influence their allies? Or is the point that they indeed do not wish to influence them? Then, why bomb ISIS? In areas, where they started extracting oil and paying mercernaries more, In those areas, the rebels from 'civilised' Syrian opposition forces immediately joined ISIS, because they are paid more. I consider this absolutely unproffessional politics. It is not grounded on facts, in the real world. We must support civilised, democratic opposition in Syria.

So, you support, arm them, and then, tomorrow they join ISIS. Can they think a step ahead? We don't stand for this kind of politics of the US. We consider it to be wrong. It harms all parties, including you (USA). When it comes to the consideration of our national interests, I would really like it, if people like you - US journalists - , who posed the questions, would one day head your government. Maybe, then, we can somehow reverse the situation.

If that doesn't happen, I will at least ask you to deliver my messages to your government. To the President of the United States, the vice-President and all other relevant people. Tell them that we do not want, or look for, any confrontation whatsoever. When you start to consider our national interests in your actions, any other disagreements, we may have - they will self-regulate. This needs to be done, not just talked about. you must consider the interests of others, and you must respect other people.

You cannot squeeze others, having considered only the benefits that you require from whatever... In economics, in your military activities, in everything. Look at Iraq, the situation is terrible. Look at Libya, and what you did there, that got your Ambassador murdered. Was it us that did this? You even had a Security Council descision for this to establish a no fly zone. What for? It was so that Gaddafi's airforce couldn't fly over and bomb the rebels.
あなた達は他の人達を苦しめて、経済的な面で、あなた達の軍事的行動の中で、全ての中で、他のどんなところからも貴方達がほしいと思う利益だけを考える事は出来ません。イラクを見てください。イラクでの状況は悲惨です。リビアを見て、そこであなた方がそこで何をしたか?そのせいで、あなた達の大使(ブロガー:恐らく、Chris Stevensのことだと思われます。)が殺されました。このために安全保障理事会が飛行禁止区域を設置する決定までしたのです。何のためにですか?それは、カダフィー大佐の空軍がその空域を飛行して反乱者達に空爆出来ないようにするためです。

The Sexual Pathology of the Libyan Attackers

On the day of his death, US ambassador to Libya warned that he was in danger

Published time: 22 Jan, 2013 20:55

This wasn't the smartest decision. But, okay. What did you proceed to do yourselves? You started bombing the territory. This is in clear contravention of the Security Council resolution. It is even outright aggression over a state. Was it us that did this? You did this with your bare hands. And, it ended with the murder of your Ambassador. Who's fault is it? It is your fault. Is it a good result that your Ambassador was murdered? It is actually a terrible catastrophe. But, do not look around for somebody to blame, when it is you making these mistakes. You must do the opposite; rise above the endless desire to dominate. You must stop acting out of imperialistic ambitions. Do not poison the consciousness of millions of people; like there can be no other way, but imperialistic politics.

We will never forget our relationship, when we supported the US in the War of Independence. We will never forget that we collaborated in both World Wars, as allies. I personally believe that the geostrategic interests of Russia and the US are essentially the same. We must focus on this interrelationship.






