
Preparing for the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam &#8211 and looking for a way to fast-track your exam success? Then these AWS Developer training notes are for you!Based on the latest DVA-C01 certification exam, these cheat sheets will shortcut your study time and maximize your chances of passing the AWS Developer Associate certification exam the first time.EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW - Deep dive into the DVA-C01 exam objectives with over 350 pages of detailed facts, tables and diagrams.ALWAYS UP TO DATE - These key exam essentials reflect the latest DVA-C01 exam and are regularly updated.SAVE VALUABLE TIME - Get straight to the facts you need to know to successfully pass your exam.BONUS QUIZ QUESTIONS - Review your knowledge with 110 questions at the end of each major chapter.ONLINE PRACTICE TEST - Simulate the real exam with 65 scored and timed practice questions in Digital Cloud Training's online learning environment.CLEAR LANGUAGE - Focused and to the point presented in an 