
Summer purification ritual◎Passing through a large straw ring 


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Exorcise and purify evil thoughts.



はらい すめる ぶんか

❖※※ 祓い 清める 文化 ※※❖





Summer purification ritual◎Passing through a large straw ring 




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Nagoshi no Harae (Summer Purification Ceremony)


What is Nagoshi no Harae ?


Nagoshi no Harae (Summer Purification Ceremony) is a Shinto ritual called "Oharae" that purifies the mind and body of impurities, sins and mistakes.

At many shrines across the country, the "Oharae Ceremony" is held on the last day of June and December.


6月の大祓、6月30日・神社によっては7月31日・ 「夏越の祓(はらえ)・夏越の大祓(おおはらえ)」

The June O-harae is held on June 30th, or at some shrines on July 31st of the lunar calendar. "Nagoshi no Harae (Summer Purification) / Nagoshi no O-harae (Summer Purification)"

12月の大祓、12月31日・ 「年し越しの祓・年し越しの大祓」

The December O-harae is held on December 31st, "Toshikoshi no Harae (New Year's Purification) / Toshikoshi no O-harae (New Year's Purification)".




At Omiwa Shrine, which we will introduce this time, they hold their Nagoshi no O-harae  (summer purification) ceremony at the end of July, close to June 30th on the lunar calendar.

In addition, the shrine sets up a straw circle so that worshippers can crawl through it throughout August.



At the Nagoshi no O-harae (summer purification) ceremony held on June 30th, etc., a Shinto ritual is held to give thanks for having made it through the first half of the year safely, to purify the sins and impurities of the past six months, and to pray for a pure mind for the remaining six months, but some shrines hold the ceremony in August. Participation is usually voluntary, so why not go and take a look?


The fact that this Great Purification is performed twice a year means that January to June and July to December are each counted as one year,


and this calendar in which the year ends in spring and autumn is called the Spring and Autumn Calendar.


Some say that the reason why the ages of the first Emperor Jimmu to Emperor Onin are so long in the Kojiki and other texts is because of this calendar.


This opinion is interpreted by Takeda, the fifth grandson of Emperor Meiji, and Takeuchi, the 73rd Emperor Takeuchi no Sukune, and I agree with this opinion.


In fact, I heard about the Spring and Autumn Calendar from my grandmother, who was born in the Meiji era, when I was a child, so I can understand why Emperor Jimmu is twice as old.


In the Bible, Moses' wife Sarah became pregnant at the age of 90 and gave birth to Isaac. I think that according to the Spring and Autumn calendar, she was 90 years old, and her real age was 45. This is just my imagination.



When did the Nagoshi no O-harae (Great Purification) begin?



Some people believe that the importance of "harai" to the Japanese comes from the myth in which Izanagi no Mikoto performed a purification ritual with water to cleanse himself of the impurities he had incurred in the underworld.



The Great Purification is thought to have been performed from ancient times through the Middle Ages, but was interrupted by the Onin War during the Ashikaga Muromachi period.



It was Emperor Meiji who revived the O-harai ritual. In the fourth year of the Meiji era, at the request of Emperor Meiji, the O-harai ritual was held in the front garden of the Kashikodokoro (Palace of the Palace) in the Imperial Palace.



In 1872, an edict was issued that it should be performed at all shrines across the country, and the Great Purification Ceremony, which had been discontinued for over 400 years, was revived.



Nowadays, this has become a regular event at many shrines.




Chinowakuguri (Passing through the straw ring(circle))


First, purify your mind and body with the water from the chozubai (washbasin ) before praying.



Chinowakuguri (Passing through the large straw ring(circle))



This is how to pass through a Chinowa (large straw ring).





❶ 拝殿に向かい、一礼する。

。 Head towards the the Haiden (worship hall) and bow.


❷ 茅の輪をくぐり、左に回る。

。 Go through the Chinowa and turn left.


❸ 一礼。茅の輪をくぐり、右に回る。

。 Bow once, pass through the Chinowa and turn right.


❹ 一礼。茅の輪をくぐり、左に回る。

。 Bow once, go through the Chinowa and turn left.


❺ 一礼。茅の輪をくぐり、拝殿に参拝。

。 Once you bow, go through the Chinowa (grass ring) and pay your respects at the Haiden (worship hall).



Let's go through the ring



I want to continue to protect the ancient traditions.


(神社から帰る際には、感謝を込めてWhen you leave the shrine, give thanks )

一礼、  Bow once




Tokushima Prefecture, Awa Province, has been rich in nature since ancient times due to its abundance of water, and ruins dating back more than 10,000 years have been excavated.




Our country doesn't have much rainfall, but why is it that we have so much water?

The reason for this is simple: the mountain forests, which make up two-thirds of the country, act as dams to store water.



In addition, forests with roots extending into the ground have played a role not only in dams but also in protecting us from landslides such as debris flows.



In fact, some people may be surprised to learn that 70% of the forests that cover our country are artificial forests.




Such large-scale tree planting and tree cultivation cannot be achieved overnight.

This is because our ancestors, thousands of years ago, have continued to cherish forests and forests by planting trees in the mountains every time they encounter a disaster.



We also value the nature of the mountains, rivers, and sea that we inherited from our ancestors, and we want to pass on this precious natural environment to the next generation.


※※ 撮影場所 ※※

※※ Shooting location ※※

〒779-3122 徳島県徳島市国府町府中644 大御和神社

Omiwa Shrine, 644 kou, Kokufu-cho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, 779-3122


※※ 引用先URL ※※

Wikipedia神武天皇  神武天皇 月岡芳年 大日本名将鑑



Wikipedia応神天皇  応神天皇と武内宿禰 江戸時代 誉田八幡宮蔵


Wikipedia仁徳天皇  仁徳天皇 無題東錦昼夜競より抜粋 明治19年 楊洲周延 画



Wikipediaサラ  Hans Collaert によるサラ。1581.



Wikipediaイザナギ  伊弉諾右側 天瓊を以て滄海を探るの図 小林永濯 画 明治時代



Wikipedia応仁の乱  応仁の乱 真如堂縁起絵巻



Wikipedia明治天皇  明治天皇肖像写真 明治6年10月撮影  神奈川県立歴史博物館蔵







To wish for peace in the world, first start with peace in your own country.

I wish everyone would fly the national flag on "National Holidays".



Thank you for your viewing.




I want to carefully protect the bonds between people and people, people and creatures, and people and nature.

I want to learn the wisdom for that from nature, history ,cultural and customs.

And I would like to share that wisdom with everyone.





Thank you very much.  Well then,

everyone is in a good mood.

good bye.






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