ducks Suwa Shrine front irrigation canal

鴨 徳島市 諏訪神社前用水


 Duck Tokushima Prefecture

【絆】人と鳥 鴨 duck 徳島県

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鴨  カモ



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 11月 November 【工事中です。】

 12月 December 【工事中です。】



鴨  カモ



動   物

 徳島動物園 Tokushima Zoo  

鳥 bird   

鳥以外の動物 Animals other than birds    




 Duck Tokushima Prefecture

【絆】人と鳥 鴨 duck 徳島県






🦆激し過ぎるプロポーズ‼」カモの激しい求愛と繁殖 諏訪神社前用水 0404R06

“Too intense proposal!” Intense courtship and breeding of ducks Suwa Shrine front irrigation canal


YouTubeを観る 日本語版 


watch YouTube  English edition 




I thought it was bullying, but apparently not.

When I visited Suwa Shrine in Tokushima City to see the cherry blossoms, I encountered this incident at the irrigation canal in front of Suwa Shrine.




Two male ducks called blue-necked ducks are pecking at the neck of a female duck.

The courtship and breeding behavior was so intense that I thought, ”Maybe the female will be eaten.”




Tokushima City, the capital of Tokushima Prefecture, Awa Province, has been a water capital since ancient times.

Many kinds of wild waterfowl come to Tokushima City in search of water, and you can see their breeding behavior all over the city.




Our country doesn't have much rainfall, but why is it that we have so much water?

The reason for this is simple: forests in the mountains act as dams to store water.



In addition, forests with roots extending into the ground have played a role not only in dams but also in protecting us from landslides such as debris flows.



In fact, some people may be surprised to learn that 70% of the forests that cover our country are artificial forests.




Such large-scale tree planting and tree cultivation cannot be achieved overnight.

This is because our ancestors, thousands of years ago, have continued to cherish forests and forests by planting trees in the mountains every time they encounter a disaster.



We also value the nature of the mountains, rivers, and sea that we inherited from our ancestors, and we want to pass on this precious natural environment to the next generation.


※※ 撮影場所 ※※

Shooting location


In front of the torii gate of Suwa Shrine in Minamisako Sanbancho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture



【絆】人と鳥 🦆鴨? 2 新池川護岸 R030330 鳴門市 duck? Shinike River revetment 2022/03/17up 7:44

 桜の花を満喫しながら、新池川の川辺を散策していると、鴨に出くわしました。 雄の鴨はやはり美しく艶やかですね。 少し小ぶりの黒っぽい鳥たちは、今年生まれた鴨の雛でしょうか?

While enjoying the cherry blossoms, I came across a duck while strolling along the banks of the Shinike River. The male duck is still beautiful and lustrous. Are the slightly smaller dark birds the duck chicks born this year?


【絆】 人と鳥 🦆鴨と水田 飛来と鴨の家族0526H29徳島市 2022/05/27up 4:58


水田の中では、小さな食物性プランクトンや、動物性プランクトンのミジンコなどが発生し、続いてこれらプランクトンを食べる昆虫が発生します。 昆虫の中には、プランクトンだけではなくて、水田の苗まで食べる害虫もいます。 その次に、これら、プランクトンや昆虫を捕食する魚や両生類が現れます。 

この、食物連鎖の最後に現れるのが、水鳥達です。 水鳥たちは、魚や両生類の他、少し大きめの昆虫なども捕食します。

 一時期、害虫駆除剤を用い過ぎて、これら食物連鎖の生態系が危ぶまれたことがあります。 昆虫や動物に有害な物は、私達人類にとっても有害です。駆除剤で虫がいなくなると、餌のいなくなった水田には鳥は来ません。鳥が来ない水田で育った米は食べても大丈夫なのでしょうか。 

害虫を捕食する者がいる環境は、害虫が一定量以上に発生を抑えることが出来ます。 水鳥の飛来は、これら食物連鎖の環境が守られている証明であり、水田で育った米が安心して食べられるかどうかの、バロメーターとでも言えるのではないでしょうか。 


 【I got it translated into AI:AIに翻訳して貰いました】 

The bond between humans and birds, when a person fills a paddy field with water and the seedlings grow, a food chain ring is created and waterfowl such as ducks fly come. In paddy fields, small dietary plankton and zooplankton daphnia pulexum occur, followed by insects that eat these plankton. 

Some insects eat not only plankton but also paddy field seedlings. 

Next comes these fish and amphibians that prey on plankton and insects. Waterfowl appear at the end of this food chain. 

Waterfowl also prey on fish, amphibians, and larger insects. 

For some time, overuse of pest control agents has endangered the ecosystems of these food chains. 

Things that are harmful to insects and animals are also harmful to us humans. 

When the insects are gone with the pesticide, the birds will not come to the paddy fields where there is no food. Is it okay to eat rice grown in paddy fields where birds do not come? In an environment where there are birds who prey on pests, the outbreak of pests can be suppressed above a certain level. 

The arrival of waterfowl is a proof that the environment of these food chains is protected, and it can be said that it is a barometer of whether rice grown in paddy fields can be eaten with peace of mind. In the paddy fields, the duck family is beaking food. 

We want to preserve this landscape for posterity. I think that valuing the bond between people and birds also protects our food safety.



カモ - Wikipedia



植物 plant    

山 Mountain  

川 river       

海 Ocean      




しまい END



 👪Ending 「Yamato」


I want to carefully protect the bonds between people and people, people and creatures, and people and nature.

I want to learn the wisdom for that from nature, history ,cultural and customs.

And I would like to share that wisdom with everyone.





Thank you very much.  Well then,

everyone is in a good mood.

good bye.








