I love to talk. Talk much. So time to talk about my faivorite drummers. I love drums. It's always important part of songs. So let's drum'n'fun!



10 Shikina (Vrzel)


Shikina is my friend. So I certainly put him in my list. But to be more objective I put him first one. I think that the main strong feature of Shikina is certainly perseverance. He trains a lot. He tries to become better. He gets frustrated if not enough complicated parts are playing. He wants to be really cool and technical. 

Strange, but we very rarely manage to hear the drum solos in the songs. Drum solos are very cool, but usually they are performed only at live perfomance. But Shikina has a drum solo in the song "Slander" and it can be heard on the disc. It's really cool. I hope that I will hear from him new drum solos and metal drum parts.


9 Marina (Aldious)


The drummer is always behind the band and drummer it's someone whom hardest to see. That's why it's important for a drummer to have some personality. Marina always smiles and it's easy to believe that she is in a good mood and she can convey this good mood to others.
Marina plays like a diligent student. I'm not talking about the level of her play. I'm talking about how she learned to play correctly. All her drum part are well-built, clearly and smoothly. Feels good education and professionalism.
I like when she makes "machine-gun shooting". Of course she plays more of them on the album "Radian A", but on the new album there are excellent high-speed drum parts too. I see that the skill of Marina grows from record to record and this is very important. 

It seems to me that her drums are more quietly on the recordings then it's really need. I do not know why, but I hope that already at the next recording her drums will absolutely knocking in our mind.


8 Yuki (Versailles)


Yuki is a very cool drummer. He is very good at writing parts for high-speed metal and for balad and neo-classics. He plays fast, powerful and clear. He has a very colorful image. It is very important for me that Yuki is teach a new generation of drummers. I'm glad that they are in good hands. Yuki is quite formidable. I think he chose the drums in order to be able to release his brute force.


7 Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden)


Earlier I listened to Iron Maiden quite a lot. During the album "Final Frontier", actually at the same time I got acquainted with this drummer. When I watched a documentary about the tour of Iron Maiden, McBrain showed his drum kit. I started counting drums 1,2,3 ... 10..20 ... I do not remember how many of them there were, but there were a lot of them. Of course there are more impressive drum kits, but the McBrain kit is definitely cool. I like it when he goes through all the drums from left to right. I like that despite the age, he can still play for two hours. knock, knock, knock. It's really cool!


6 Junji (Kiryu)


 Junji is such a character from Arabian tales who sits down for his magic drum set and begins to perform miracles. When you look at him it seems that rapping on drums like crazy is very simple and fun. As if everyone could easily. For Jinji, there are no problems playing fast and complex drum parts. Just an ordinary thing, nothing special. So it's very cool to sit and just watch he plays. Because watching the magic is always fun!


5 Tomoya (Royz)


Tomoya is a friend of humanity. Probably this is the most colorful drummer in the world as a person. Tomoya is crazy. Not a clinical crazy, but a good crazy. It is completely non-standard and always cheerful. It's really cool just to watch he plays. He can be serious, but playing the drums gives him easy. He can just really enjoy it and have fun. This is a very positive drummer who at the same time has an incredible level of play. And by the way, he sings well and knows how to play the guitar. Tomoya is a man orchestra with drums at the head!


4 Jürgen Reil (Kreator)


I'm a fan of the Kreator since school time - it's really harsh and cool thrash metal. European - German. Evil, spiteful, spiteful! This is can be only in Europe. Kreator has very cool music and songs. When I was making the top of my favorite guitarist there did not hit the guitarists of Kreator. The reason was that Kreator did not have enough epic guitar solos. Of course I had Hatfield there who does not play solos at all, but Hatfield is Hatfield.
However, Jurgen has no doubt got into my top. Because his drums are one of the best in speed thrash metal. He just can knock at the same speed throughout the song that the guitarists are playing. He does not just support the rhythm, but "shoots" along with the guitarists. A crazy metronome. Very cool!


3 Risa (Disqualia)


(automatic translation: リサは私にとって非常に特別なドラマーです。私は、女の子がドラムを弾くのはいつもより難しいと思います。なぜなら、これはたくさんの肉体的努力を必要とするからです。メタルバンドでの演奏は、2倍の難しさです。みんながあなたの3倍の難しさを聞くように遊ぶ。リサはそれをすべて行う方法を知っています。私がDisqualiaを最初に聞いたとき、私は彼女のドラムを聞いた。たとえば、 "Shout Out"などの曲を取り込むことができます。そこでは、すぐにドラムのリズムを聞くことができます。 Risaは測定された正確なストライクを行い、これは曲のリズムを完全にサポートします。彼女は非常に集中していて、ドラム部分は本当にクールです。リサはジャズスタイルでも演奏することができます。彼女はそれを楽しむので、彼女は演奏する。そして彼女はそれを非常に専門的にやっています。私はDisqualiaの大ファンで、最初に私が見つけたのはRisaでした。彼女に感謝して、私はこのバンドについて知っています。明るいピンクの髪と明るいピンクのドラムが間違いなく注目を集めています。私はまた、そのようなコンパクトでかわいい、騒々しくて涼しいドラムで遊びたいです。リサがいつもドラムを演奏してくれることを願っています。ドラムで新しい歌を聞くことができます。)


Risa is a very special drummer for me. I think that it's always harder for a girl to play drums because this requires a lot of physical effort. Playing in a metal band is twice as hard. Play so that everyone are heard you three times more difficult. Risa knows how to do it all. When I listened Disqualia first time first I heard her drums. You can take for example any of their songs, for example "Shout Out", there you can immediately hear the drumming rhythm. Risa inflicts measured and accurate strikes, which perfectly support the rhythm of the song. She plays very concentrated and her drum parts are really cool. Risa can play in jazz style, which is also very cool. She plays because she enjoy it. And she does it very professionally. I'm a big fan of Disqualia and the first whom I found was Risa. So thanks to her, I know about this band. Bright pink hair and bright pink drums definitely attract attention. I would also like to play on such compact, cute, loud and cool drums. I hope Risa will always play the drums, and I can listen to new songs with her drums.


2 Yoshiki


It's a bit strange to talk about Yoshiki. Tell about how he is cool. He sits down for the drums. He plays some kind of impossible things, then sits down at the piano and plays virtuously on it, then takes the guitar ..... but we are still talk about the drums. The drums are like the heart of Yoshiki, he lives and dies sitting on the drums. He destroys his body to play as he plays. Play as no one else can. When there is no strength, when you no longer understand what is happening. But you still continue to play on the edge between life and death. This is best described by Yoshiki. The man who lives beyond the edge!


1 Nick Menza 


I would like to dedicate a separate article to Nick. Detail his drums on each of the albums. But I think that all his fans have already done it without me. I do not need to prove or explain why Nick is number one. He played in my favorite band, wrote the parts for my favorite songs. He is one of the first drummer who showed me that the drums really matter. That drums can be really cool. That they are the basis. I'm definitely sorry that I could not see Nick's live performances, but I'm definitely glad that I can always hear his drums on record.