
I cant stand cameltoe BUT I HATE VPL evenmore!!
For goodness sake, please wear a G-string when you are wearing
a pants or tight skirt, Dont like G-string?
Than theres another thing call seamless thong.
its really ugly to see the VPLむっ Ugly VPLむっ 大嫌い!!


I was typing the minutes of our refractive meeting this morning,
I was about to sign off with my name and e-mail to my Prof,
and guess what... my PC crashed.....-_- I thought I did save
my work but I didnt, well done-_- I had to re-type
everything again...Luckily I type fast and could roughly
remember what I had typed, or else..... Just not my day...
Maybe I was in an extrem foul mood this morning, thats why...

Went retail therapy after work, bought a pair of lovely heels
from C&K. Its a pair of 4 inches (10cm) heels.
I'm 164cm tall, with that pair of heels, Im 174cm, haha.
I could smell the fresh air up there!!

Anyway, I seriously think that I need to go for anger
management course-_- My temper is getting from bad to worst,
whats the cause? Dont know...

Maybe I should learn not to think so much,
not to care so much and not to feel so much,
than maybe I will have a better life and better temper.
Whats the point of treating people well but in the end,
I got betrayed and hurt...

Dont make friends with me or be nice to me just because
you think that you are able to get something out of me,
well, maybe you can, you will get hell from me.

Sometimes, I wish I cant read, write and speak Japanese... Ok, random.


Finally we changed our air-conブタ last month 31st July.
We've been using the old air-con since we moved to
this house back in year 2000, which means almost 10 years already.
Well, the old air-con were still working but not very
cold already so my mum wanted to change it.
This time round, we bought Daikin inverterぴちょんくん with 4 ticksTick about $3600,
includes delivery, installation and disposing of the old
air-con. This time round, my Mum sponsered the whole new unit,
thank you Mum^_^

The air-con uncles took almost the whole day to fix the
3 aircons, from 12pm to 7pm. The whole house was in a mess when
they were fixing it but with God's Grace, everything went
on smoothly^_^

Love this Daikin inverter unit, it is so quiet and of course
cold, nice^_^

to be continue...

オードリーのLove Revolution

Daikin Inverterぴちょんくん
オードリーのLove Revolution

My old National air-con
オードリーのLove Revolution

Almost done
オードリーのLove Revolution

Almost there...
オードリーのLove Revolution

オードリーのLove Revolution

オードリーのLove Revolution

Old air-con, お疲れ様でした!!!
オードリーのLove Revolution

Going Bintan this weekend for golf, which means Im not
going to the Summer Fest this year. Every year the same, kind of
sianz already also. Got extra tickets now, anyone interested?

Dont feel like going this year also becos I dont want to
go there and throw my face away becos of some idiots.
Why do I say that? Becos there will be some idiots going there, do
stupid things and throw Singaporean face, haha,
who else but the HIV jiongs and some idiots.

BTW, I summited my JLPT 1 exam reg form to JCS,
paid $55 for it, it seems that there are level 5 this year.
Anyway, registration ends 9th Sept, have you
registered already? Got another few more months to piah my notes,
was asking Sensei if I could increase my private tuition
to twice a week, so siong... but no choice. Anyway, I know
I wont pass lah, just take and see how, but hey, I passed my previous
two JLPT 1 mock test ok, so who knows?;p

Ok back to the summer fest. BTW, have you seen pigs wearing yukata?
You wanna see pigs in yukata? Go to the summer fest this year
and you will see some of them, out of these few,
3 are from the HIV jiongs, as for the rest, look out
for yourself. OH, I am so mean!!!!! Im an old faggot and yet
so mean, but do I care? No lor, mocking at them is my past time
and it makes me happy, haha. Bye bi~ チュ~

I think Miss Piggy looks better than them!
オードリーのLove Revolution

to be continue...

New Flower~

オードリーのLove Revolution
