
Finally we changed our air-conブタ last month 31st July.
We've been using the old air-con since we moved to
this house back in year 2000, which means almost 10 years already.
Well, the old air-con were still working but not very
cold already so my mum wanted to change it.
This time round, we bought Daikin inverterぴちょんくん with 4 ticksTick about $3600,
includes delivery, installation and disposing of the old
air-con. This time round, my Mum sponsered the whole new unit,
thank you Mum^_^

The air-con uncles took almost the whole day to fix the
3 aircons, from 12pm to 7pm. The whole house was in a mess when
they were fixing it but with God's Grace, everything went
on smoothly^_^

Love this Daikin inverter unit, it is so quiet and of course
cold, nice^_^

to be continue...

オードリーのLove Revolution

Daikin Inverterぴちょんくん
オードリーのLove Revolution

My old National air-con
オードリーのLove Revolution

Almost done
オードリーのLove Revolution

Almost there...
オードリーのLove Revolution

オードリーのLove Revolution

オードリーのLove Revolution

Old air-con, お疲れ様でした!!!
オードリーのLove Revolution