For Maro... | Athenaのブログ


Forever a DORK!!!

Maro was utterly bored yesterday and spammed the living crap out of ameba...

So... since she is expecting a comments I decided to share my comments-thoughts...

My comments will be in red!!! Just so you know!! XDDDDD

1st one:
Type O "Hot" (I am usually cool, even during the summer... hahah)(it does not mean bodily hot... Garn)

Population Roughly 38% of the world is O +ve and 6% O -ve. (I am a -ve. Do I get a present for that??)(no you don't... you are still in the 6%!!! XDD)

Traits Confident (really?)(hmm... really?) and
Strong-Willed (nuuuuh)(yeah... hmm... what to say?Shout),
Proud (yup)(agrees, we wouldn't be friend otherwise... just saying!! *whistles*),
Dedicated (Sure)(Yep... no issues on that department!! Good!),
Sociable (not that much..)(hard to say... goes with the flow I suppose),
Energetic (that's a joke, huh?)(I wouldn't call her energizer battery of the year but she tries!!),
Extroverted (Nope)(hmm...),
Frank (yes!)(Smiling),
Realist (too much of this)(too much of that indeed!! Garn),
Showy (hahahhah, really? didn't notice!!)(nah... not even close!),
Flighty (O_o)(huh?? come again??),
Generalist (..)(hmm... nope...),
Positive (Yeah! Sure...... >_>)(yeah... call her at your wedding if you don't want to get married!!!Sweat),
Independent (true)(hmm... she hasn't spread her wings yet so I can't say!!),
Risk-Takers (depends)(that is yet to be proven!!),
Dislike taking orders (not that much..)(she LOVES taking orders and I LOVE giving HER orders... your my little bitch!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA),
Insecure (that's true..yes it is..)(unfortunately... that is true!!Shobon),
Stubborn (nyaaa~ I wouldn't say so..)(no... not the highlight of her personality!!) &
Self-Centered (me? Me? MEEEEEEE???? hahah)(nuuuuuuuuu... NOT a chance in Hell!!).

Make friends easily, go with flow and grasp opportunity. (I don't know if I make friends easily, but I do the others most of the time XD)(Goes with the flow... has tons of friends, so... yeah... makes friends easily... she is goofy... who wouldn't love her at first site... grasps opportunity...hmm... that is yet to be revealed!!!)

Quick to start a project or chase an idea. Are good at organizing activities. (I would like to see some comments here Athena...)(No complaints... you are the BEST member on my team... that is why YOU are my SUB-LEADER!!!)

May have short attention span (talking about my goldfish memory??)(Now I know where my sis and dad take from!!! sheesh), and expresses strong emotions ( when?)(yeah... you get more emotion from a fish!!!Garn).

May quickly take opposite views that are deep but not always durable (sometimes ...)(hmm...). Classic entrepreneurs and movers and shakers (I doubt this...)(are we talking about someone else here??? oh!! I forgot she is in the 6% so yep... this does not apply to her!!).

Express their emotions but can be swayed by other blood types (tell me about it..)(sucker!!!! XDDDDDDDD).
Have an intrinsic elegance (a what?)(are????????????) .
Sociable (..)(if you say so...) and showy (said that already!!!! Wanna make a point??)(hmm... again she in the 6%... what are you people, blind????).
May be good at adapting to circumstances (not's hard most of the time)(nuuuuuuuuuu... just goes with the flow but not really adapting!!).
Words come easily to them (when I talk and when I don't have verbal slip-ups )(Yes... good convervationist!!! *nods*).
Not self conscious and will frankly reveal inner feelings (huuuuh?)(very self conscious!!!).
Ambitious (yey!)(agrees), but may have issues with detail (many issues..)(not her greatest ability!!).

Like to be touch and be touched by others (busted..)(seriously???????????? Garn Good to know... *stays away*).

2nd one:

Type O: A person with type O blood is not flashy (FINALLY JUSTICE!!!, hahahahahhahahaha)(again... I can't see that!!!!!!! (ToT)),

but pretty ( sweet, haha)(yeah... that I can see!! ^^),

giving others a good impression (and then take it back XDD)(yes... she does!!! Good girl!!).

Organized (when it comes to things, sure. But my thoughts are always a mess.)(no complaints... the team would suffer greatly at her loss!!!) and determined (I wouldn't say this)(is picky when it comes to determination!!),

they can also express the truth very clearly (some call me a bitch because of that)(Bitch!!!!! Proudly).

This can lead to stubbornness, if they can't read their goal, they won't give up (I'd rather say I get easily disappointed)(not stubborn, but doesn't give up easily because of her pride!!!)...

Their mainly career recommendations come in as Banker ()(good at keeping money!!), politician (NO!)(hmm... I wonder!!), gambler (LOL)(ahahahahahhahahahaha... will see when the Euro starts!! XDDD), minister (I said no politician..!!)(again... hmm...), investment broker (could be that..)(again... give her money... she is good with that!!! Especially savings!!), baseball player (aawwwwww.... that's a result dedicated to someone.. ne? K-kun? )(as a hobby why not... as a professional... maybe coach!!! XDDD).

3rd one: (I'll shut up after this, it's a promise)(finally... I am tired... my braincells are not getting any younger!!!Garn)

Blood type O

People with blood type O usually have a big role in motivating the passion of their groups and stimulating the harmonious relationship among the group members (I won't comment this.. I hope we get a comment from someone else..)(As a leader I must say that she is an asset to my team's well being!!! I would hate to lose her... I would bribe her to stay, but lets keep that between us!!!).

They look like people who accept and do something calmly (that's true.. O_o)(ever heard the term "gullible"????).

They are smart to cover up their feelings, so they look like people who are always cheerful, peaceful, and do not have problem at all. But, if they cannot bear it, they will surely find out a place or someone to talk. (weird text I chose....)(true and not true!!! The challenge is to figure it out!!! XDDDDDDD)

They are kind (nya~)(too much for their own good, I would say),
often do kindness (nya nya~)(again too much for their own good),
and are not reluctant to get out of their money to other people (tell this to my wallet)(that is soooooooooooooooo true!!!!).

They are actually stubborn too and have their own opinions about anything in confidence, but they are also flexible and easily accept new things (how is it possible to combine these characteristics?)(not possible to combine... but since she in the ^%... she can bend the rules, right???).

No wonder that they lean to be influenced easily by other people (I do this when it comes to things I actually like..)(like the jrock list of hunks we mad??? Gosh that sounds so fan-girly like!!!! m(_._)m).

Look like people who are temperate and believable, but they also often make big mistakes because of their careless characteristic. (Noone is perfect!!!! Buuuuuuuut......----->)(common for the humans in this world... even Gods aren't perfect you know!!!)

However, their characteristics make them lovable (SEE?? I am LOVABLE!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. I see tomatoes and rotten vegetables flying towards me!!!!!! kyaaaaaaa )(She is lovable... she is like a BIG, HUGE cuddly Teddy Bear - she is tall okay!!!! (>_<) - but ONE hug is enough!!!! Now that I think about it she ALWAYS hugs me when we meet (O.O)).

hahahahahah.. It was fun, wasn't it?! (fun yes... tired too... me is off to rest after two hours of fooling around with this!!! A Goddess needs not to be troubled with common things... OH SHUT UP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Its over!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will now take my narcissistic self and go rest!!! XDDDDDD