Greek Easter... | Athenaのブログ


Forever a DORK!!!

I was supposed to write this blog two days ago... but guess what???


Anyway... since hibernation mode has been complete now I can get back to work and bitching about everything that annoys the crap out of me ne?????????? ^^


Good Saturday...

Nothing special happens in the morning... you go to work - like me - or go for your last minute shopping or go to the coffee shops and rot away for 6 - 8 hours - like most Greeks do!!!!

My mom had prepared the red eggs - we paint the eggs red because traditions says that the eggs were painted with the blood of Christ - that we would use at night since its a custom to break red eggs after the Christ is risen...


She also made Figoli - Maltese Easter sweets!!!!!


I wanted to have one when I got home from work but she wouldn’t let me... (ToT)

Oh well... as midnight approached everyone was busying themselves with making dinner... Mageiritsa... and getting the lamb ready for Sunday... (Except for me... I was lazying out playing with Teru!!!!)

Btw... I really don’t like Mageiritsa or lamb...

Μαγειρίτσα is a soup made from the lambs intestines, heart and liver... along with vegetables and then thickened with avgolemon (egg-lemon cream)...

So, since I don't like Easter soup (another name for Mageiritsa) you are probably wondering what I ate????

Well, I had the classic steak and chips!!!! XDDDDDD (with lots of Ketchup of course!!)


Anyway... about 20 minutes before midnight we all left the house to go to church - not me, I stayed home with the pets - for the resurrection and the Holy light...

I actually asked my sister Artemis (yep... she is a Goddess too!!!) to take some photos for the blog...

First photo are of a pair of bight shoes... Artemis said that you could spot the shoes in the dark!!! *fufufufufu*


People gathered at the church waiting for the moment when the priest will announce "Xristos Anesti"!!

Χρηστός Ανέστη literally means the Christ is risen.




The moment the priest says that the Holy light is past down from each person by lighting the "lambada" - Λαμπάδα...


The flashy one above is my cousin's... mine was plain Orange...


Before we sat to eat Artemis and I broke the traditional red eggs...

This is us preparing...


This is the collision...


And... this is my poor egg all beaten up!!!! (ToT)


We slept around 2 am...

Next day...


I woke around 10 am just in time to see my dad preparing the fire for the lamb and kokoretsi...



My dad... obviously proud... XDDDDDDDDDDD


Snack before the actual lunch feast...

In the middle you can see the yucky stuff... that's "gardoubes"...

Γαρδούμπες is lamb liver rapped in intestines and cooked in the oven with spinach in a dish called gastra... Γάστρα is usually made of clay... its basically a clay cooking pot with a lid!!!!


Here is the lamb and kokoretsi after two hours of cooking...


The lamb after four hours of cooking... its ready!!! YAY!!!

ummm.... I don't know why I am happy because I HATE lamb... XDDDDDD


Dad and bro are taking the lamb of the souvla...


Lamb... Everybody in my family loves it... to me... it stinks... so I can't even be near it when it is being cooked!!! >.>


Kokoretsi... Κοκορέτσι is made of the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, fat and sweetbreads that are removed from the lamb, washed and then sliced into small pieces and lightly seasoned with salt, black pepper, oregano and sometimes garlic.



What did I end up eating after everyone finished???????


Take a wild guess????????

Btw my dad forgot to cook my food so I had to eat after everyone was done!!!!! (ToT)

Oh well... I had...


Yep... I had steak!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

That's Easter for the Greeks... well after the food we had the classic dancing and having fun but I can't really show you...

Following links are a sample of Greek music we use to dance...

This is the typical music of the zeimbekiko... since the singer - Mitropanos - died today at age 64 I wanted to play this vid for you... he is also dancing zeimbekiko towards the end!!! ^^

This is nisiotiko... by its name one can understand that it is danced in the islands... the variety in speed is different from each island...

Some people like to also listen to rembetiko but not today... ahahahaha... its too much for non listeners!!! XDDDDDDD