







火曜日の午前3時、名前が明かされていないSEALチームが、特殊作戦部隊に潜入・脱出し、特殊偵察作戦を行うために作られた多目的戦術艇、ステルスボートとも呼ばれる戦闘艇に乗ってビスケーン湾からマイアミ港に接近した。この艇はSEAL隊をドッジ島の南東端に運び、彼らは島中にドミノ倒しのように点在する輸送コンテナの迷路を通り抜け、標的に向かってこっそりと忍び寄った。気づかれずに建物に到着した SEAL たちは、人組のチームに分かれ、自分たちの存在を誰かに知らせるかもしれない警備員や侵入防止装置を探し始めた。

遠くでくぐもった声が響いた。クルーズ船の乗組員や港湾労働者がクレーンでコンテナを騒々しく吊り上げ、停泊中の貨物船に降ろしている。SEAL たちは 4 台の防犯カメラを見つけて無効にし、セメントの船着き場とベイ ドアの間の小さな隙間に光ファイバー カメラを滑り込ませた。蛍光灯の天井灯で明るく照らされた建物には、ブーンという音を立てる 15 台の冷蔵庫以外は何もなかった。

SEAL たちはボルト カッターを使ってドアの鍵とチェーンを切断した。中では、目撃者が倉庫にあったと言っていた通りのものが見つかった。琥珀色の液体が入った点滴バッグが詰まった冷蔵庫だ。それは生理食塩水ではなかった。彼らは証拠として各冷蔵庫から 1 袋ずつ取っておき、残りを切り開いた。冷蔵庫の 1 つからは、おそらくディディの卑劣な行為を記したノートも見つかりました。そこには人々のイニシャル、時間、日付が書かれていたようです。

SEAL は冷蔵庫を破壊し、この場所は閉鎖されたというメモを残しました。もし戻ってこなければならないなら、供給業者を捕まえて殺すつもりです。彼らはドッジ島を無事に脱出し、調査結果をスミス将軍に伝えました」と情報筋は語りました。











"3歳から9歳の白人の子供から搾取された" …恨みがすごいですね。












NAVY SEALs Find and Trash Sean “Diddy” Combs’ Adrenochrome Stockpile

Navy SEALs on Tuesday ransacked a Miami warehouse where Sean “Diddy” Combs hoarded a thousand Adrenochrome infusion bags stored in refrigerated chests, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

White Hats, he said, learned of the stash from one of Combs’ former acquaintances whom Gen. Smith has placed in protective custody. Although our source wouldn’t name the informant, he said the individual and Combs are intimate acquaintances, and that Combs had groomed and sexually exploited the person from adolescence. The person—we believe it’s Justin Bieber—had been used as a “sexual prop” at Combs’ star-studded “Freak offs,” where Adrenochrome flowed like tap water. Drug use, sexual molestations, physical violence, and murders occurred with alarming regularity at Combs’ jamborees, our source said.

“This person has concrete, specific details about Combs’ criminal empire, his guests, and his dark tendencies. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘you can’t make this shit up,’ and well, much of what he said, you can’t make that shit up. And he was polygraphed,” our source said.

According to the witness, Combs in 2015 had purchased a warehouse in the Port of Miami under a fictitious name and revamped the building to hold dozens of upright medical refrigerators in which he stashed substantial amounts of refined Adrenochrome. The witness told White Hats that Combs sourced Adrenochrome from both domestic and overseas sellers. Combs picked Adrenochrome with malevolent, fastidious care; he bought products only from dealers that specified adrenal fluid, the drug’s principal ingredient, had been harvested from Caucasian children between three and nine years old.

“We were told this warehouse was restocked often,” our source said.

Gen. Smith, he added, asked allies at Naval Special Warfare Command to discretely investigate the warehouse and destroy any Adrenochrome stockpiled within.

At 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, an unspecified SEAL team approached the Port of Miami from Biscayne Bay on a Combatant Craft Medium, also called a stealth boat, a multi-mission tactical craft built to infiltrate and exfiltrate Special Operation Forces and conduct special reconnaissance operations. It delivered the SEALs to the southeast tip of Dodge Island, and they crept stealthily toward the target, navigating through the labyrinth of shipping containers that dotted the island like rows of dominoes. Having reached the building undetected, the SEALs split into four-man teams and began looking for guards and anti-intrusion devices that might alert someone to their presence.

Muffled voices echoed in the distance—cruise ship personnel and dockworkers manning cranes that clamorously hoisted containers in the air and lowered them onto a berthed cargo ship. The SEALs found and disabled four security cameras, then slipped a fiberoptic camera through a tiny gap between the cement landing and the bay door. The well-illuminated building, lit by fluorescent ceiling lights, was empty save for the 15 refrigerators that hummed audibly.

The SEALs used bolt cutters to snap and break the locks and chains on the door. Inside, they found exactly what the witness had said was in the warehouse; fridges loaded with intravenous bags filled with an amber liquid. It certainly was not saline solution. They saved one bag from each fridge as evidence and sliced open the rest. In one refrigerator they also found a notebook, perhaps an enchiridion of Diddy’s dastardly deeds, that had what appeared to be people’s initials, times, and dates.

“The SEALs trashed the refrigerator and left a note saying the place was shut down; if they had to come back, they’d catch and kill the suppliers. They successfully left Dodge Island and forwarded their findings to Gen. Smith,” our source said.

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