"米国の債務時計: 彼らがあなたに教えてくれない真実
しかし、希望はある。トランプ大統領が署名した大統領令 13818 号は、この金融システムの中心にある腐敗を暴露する権限を持っています。この命令により、政府は腐敗や人権侵害に関与した人々の資産を差し押さえることができます。これが、このポンジ・スキームの責任者である金融エリートを最終的に倒す鍵だと考える人もいます。
123% の債務対所得比率: 政府の汚い秘密
米国政府の債務対所得 (DTI) 比率は 123% です。考えてみてください。政府が稼ぐ 1 ドルごとに、政府はそれ以上の債務を負っています。これは金融の砂上の楼閣であり、崩壊するのは時間の問題です。
時計は刻々と進んでいます。100 日ごとに、国家債務は 1 兆ドルずつ増加しています。システムは壊れており、権力者は誰もそれを直そうとしません。なぜなら、そこから利益を得ることに忙しすぎるからです。終局は急速に近づいていますが、彼らはそれをあなたに教えません。彼らはシステムから搾り取る間、あなたの気をそらし続けるでしょう。
US Debt Clock: The Truth They Won’t Tell You
The US Debt Crisis is not just about numbers on a screen. The Federal Reserve has created the largest Ponzi scheme in human history, and the entire system is designed to keep YOU in the dark. This isn't just a matter of inflation or economic downturns. It’s a rigged system that serves the elites while pushing us closer to financial Armageddon.
What they don’t tell you is that every single dollar is created from debt. Every time the government borrows more, they print more money, devaluing every dollar in your pocket. But here’s the kicker—there is no real value behind those dollars anymore. The entire system is built on smoke and mirrors, and when it collapses, it will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.
The Federal Reserve has flooded the market with more dollars in the last few years than in the entire history of the United States. This isn’t just unsustainable—it’s a ticking time bomb. Why won’t they admit it? Because once the truth comes out, the entire system crumbles, and the elites at the top lose their grip on power.
You Are Living in a Twilight Zone
You can feel it, can’t you? The world doesn’t make sense anymore. Every day, prices go up, wages stagnate, and the national debt spins out of control. Yet, we’re told to believe everything is fine. This is the ultimate scam, where financial elites control everything from behind the scenes, creating money out of thin air while robbing the American people blind.
The government has been printing TRILLIONS of dollars with no real value, and every time they do, they rob you of your hard-earned money. We’re being led to the slaughter, but no one wants to admit it.
Executive Order 13818: A Weapon Against the Elites
But there is hope. Executive Order 13818, signed by President Trump, holds the power to expose the corruption at the heart of this financial system. This order allows the government to seize assets from those involved in corruption and human rights abuses. Some believe this is the key to finally taking down the financial elites responsible for this Ponzi scheme.
123% Debt-to-Income Ratio: The Government's Dirty Secret
The U.S. government’s Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio sits at 123%! Think about that. For every dollar the government makes, it owes MORE than that in debt. This is a financial house of cards, and it’s only a matter of time before it collapses.
The clock is ticking. Every 100 days, the national debt grows by $1 trillion. The system is broken, and no one in power wants to fix it because they’re too busy profiting from it. The endgame is fast approaching, but they won’t tell you. They’ll keep you distracted while they milk the system dry.
What Can Be Done?
There’s only one solution: a full audit of the federal government and the Federal Reserve. Without this, we’re barreling toward a financial disaster that will wipe out everything we’ve worked for.
But don’t lose hope. Trump and Musk are leading the charge, exposing corruption, and pushing for a full restructuring of the government. The solution is within our grasp. But you need to wake up and demand change. Now is the time to act before it’s too late.
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