






マリーナ・アブラモビッチは、長い間「芸術」を装った不穏なオカルト儀式に関わってきたが、今やアドレノクロムの裏社会と結び付けられている。ロシアの情報機関によると、彼女のエリートの集まりは社交イベント以上のものであり、取引に携わる人々の餌食となっている。この暴露は、彼女を現代における最も暗い陰謀の 1 つに直接結び付けている。

プーチンの使命: アドレノクロムとの戦い

プーチン大統領は、世界的なアドレノクロム ネットワークを暴露し解体するためには手段を選ばないと明言している。プーチンにとって、これは人類の魂をめぐる戦いであり、最も弱い人々を罰されることなく食い物にしてきたエリートたちとの戦いである。ウクライナでのこの救出作戦は始まりに過ぎず、密売人とそのエリート協力者たちはもはや安全ではないという警告である。







BREAKING: Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by Marina Abramovic

In a stunning development, Russian special forces have rescued hundreds of trafficked children from a covert adrenochrome factory hidden deep in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. This operation, part of President Vladimir Putin’s campaign to dismantle the global adrenochrome industry, has sent shockwaves around the world. The most disturbing revelation? Notorious performance artist Marina Abramovic is allegedly at the center of this horror, organizing an adrenochrome party in Paris, attended by high-ranking elites.

The Adrenochrome Trade Exposed

What is adrenochrome? It’s not just a theory whispered in conspiracy circles—it's a reality. A chemical compound linked to anti-aging and psychedelic experiences, it is said to be harvested in the most grotesque way imaginable: from the blood of tortured children. Elites, obsessed with power and youth, have allegedly built a secret trade around this practice, and Russia is now leading the charge to tear it apart.

Ukraine: The Dark Heart of the Trade

Ukraine has become a breeding ground for human trafficking, with unregulated borders and war-torn regions providing the perfect cover for traffickers. Children are abducted from orphanages, refugee camps, and their homes, disappearing into the black market. Russian forces, using intelligence gathered from Abramovic’s Paris event, have revealed that adrenochrome factories are operating in these hidden locations, exploiting children in ways beyond imagination.

Abramovic's Sinister Role

Marina Abramovic, long associated with disturbing occult rituals under the guise of “art,” has now been linked to the adrenochrome underworld. According to Russian intelligence, her elite gatherings are more than social events—they are feeding grounds for those involved in the trade. This revelation ties her directly to one of the darkest conspiracies of our time.

Putin’s Mission: A War on Adrenochrome

President Putin has made it clear: he will stop at nothing to expose and dismantle the global adrenochrome network. For Putin, this is a war for the soul of humanity—a battle against elites who have preyed on the most vulnerable with impunity. This rescue operation in Ukraine is just the beginning, a warning shot that the traffickers and their elite collaborators are no longer safe.

A Dangerous Game

Exposing these elites is no small feat. The powerful figures behind the adrenochrome trade are not just wealthy—they control governments, media, and entire financial systems. But Russia's bold moves are showing the world that the elite’s untouchable status is crumbling. Putin's crackdown on the industry has sent shockwaves through the corridors of power, and the West’s silence is deafening.

The Global Impact

This operation marks the start of a global fight. With hundreds of children freed from unimaginable horrors, the adrenochrome industry is now exposed for what it is—a monstrous, hidden economy. Will other nations step up, or will they turn a blind eye? The world must confront this evil, and Russia has ignited a fire that won’t be easily extinguished.

The truth is coming to light, and the powerful can no longer hide in the shadows.

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