











Behind the scenes, the CIA, DNC, and deep state attorneys are allegedly preparing to arrest Donald J. Trump after the upcoming debate. They plan to enforce gag orders, hoping Trump will violate them, leading to his arrest in Georgia. White hats suggest this is part of a broader strategy to protect Trump from forthcoming crises, including a massive economic collapse and civil unrest. Military operations are purportedly in place to safeguard him.




Biden's Anticipated Resignation


Multiple sources, including U.S. Colonel Douglas Macgregor, suggest President Biden will step down around August 19. The CIA and DNC allegedly aim to have him removed from office.


Potential Presidential Candidate


Reports indicate that Michael (Michelle) Obama is in discussions with the CIA and DNC to step in as a presidential candidate following Biden's departure. These developments align with earlier predictions from insiders.


Staged Event Plans


In the next three months, the CIA and FBI are reportedly planning a staged event similar to the George Floyd incident to incite racial tensions, potentially supporting Obama's candidacy.


Trump's Legal Challenges


Behind the scenes, the CIA, DNC, and deep state attorneys are allegedly preparing to arrest Donald J. Trump after the upcoming debate. They plan to enforce gag orders, hoping Trump will violate them, leading to his arrest in Georgia. White hats suggest this is part of a broader strategy to protect Trump from forthcoming crises, including a massive economic collapse and civil unrest. Military operations are purportedly in place to safeguard him.


Russiagate Revelations


As events unfold, the Russiagate scandal is expected to resurface. Paul Ryan reportedly had knowledge of the false Russian dossier but withheld information. White hats are working to expose this as treason, with allegations that CIA operations, funded by George Soros, aimed to manipulate voting laws.


Federal Reserve Hack


A recent cyberattack on the Federal Reserve, suspected to be an inside job, is being blamed on a Russian-linked gang. This incident may be used to justify the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency. White hats had previously warned of this false flag event, and it is now coming to fruition.


Ongoing Operations


All these developments are part of a series of predicted events. The military white hats are aware of each stage and have countermeasures and game theory operations in place to navigate the unfolding scenarios.



