


👆7. ジュリアン・アサンジは刑務所に収監されていた事はなく、実際はアメリカ軍事情報と特別オペレーションに所属していた。





10. マクロン大統領も バイデン大統領も今は処刑されていて、役者が演じているダブルだという事です。

11. WHOのテドロスもWEFのシュワブもいなくなった…削除された英国の悪魔的クラウン全体のように。



👆 7. Julian Assange never was in Prison and is in fact part of US Military Intelligence and Special Operations.

8. That there was no real solar eclipse, yet the media reported one and folks posted real eclipse shadows over major US Cities on April 8th 2024, but the Sun and Moon were actually in Pisces and in parallel moving, hence they did not Eclipse on April 8th 2024.

9. UN Palais des Nations Geneva Offices shut down late 2023, offices inop, cleared, gone.

10. President Macron already executed, played by a Central Casting colleague of Sleepy Joe who is played by Arthur Roberts and others.

11. Tedros gone, Schwab gone…..and many many more, gone, like the entire satanic British Crown, deleted.

All of the above Disclosures are not only Truth but will soon force the mainstream to publish Truth because all of you will get more and more hard facts and real appearances very soon.

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1. 本物のジョー・ バイデン、オバマ、ヒラリー&ビル・クリントン、ジョン・ケリー、ジョージ・ソロス、クラウス・シュワブ、ビル・ゲイツ、テドロス、法王フランシス、グテーレス(国連事務総長)と他の多くの者達は反逆罪18USC 2381と人類に対する重罪(コロナ心理操作&生物兵器接種による民衆虐殺)EO 13818のため既に処刑されている。

Demo use 民衆虐殺とは、政治権力による民衆の直接・間接的殺害を指す言葉とWikipediaにあります。

1. The real Joe Biden, Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, John Kerry, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tedros, Pope Francis, Guterrez and many others have already been executed for Treason 18 USC 2381 and Serious Crimes against Humanity (Covid PsyOp & BioWeapon Injections Democide) EO 13818.

2. The current Wartime President & CIC of the United States always was and is Donald J. Trump.

3. The entire Biden Administration is on purpose faked, a Central Casting Stratagem.

4. That the United States declared by Wartime President Donald J. Trump a US led Global Defence War 50 USC 1550, current and ongoing, since December 20th 2019

5. That I reported the current and former Swiss Governments and all other rogue NAZI elements and Supras to the US DoD during wartime for crimes against Humanity, Corruption and Treason vs the United States during wartime (Swiss born Covid PSyOp) 18 USC 2381 on January 27th 2024 by myself without lawyers, also to the JAG Corps Officers of the USAF and USSF.

6. John F. Kennedy jr. is Alive and Kicking





