My favorite book is “Anne of Green Gables”. This story is about a girl who has red hair. Before studying abroad in Canada, I often read this book in English for study. Maybe I know it since I was a child, but I forgot all the story. So I read it again, and then I became really love it. When I said it to my friend, she suggested that we go to Prince Edward Island which the setting of this story.

  I really moved when I arrived this place because it was peaceful and there were a lot of cute houses and nice buildings. The first day, we took a walk near the sea. This day was sunny so it was pretty beautiful. I was very excited just by walking around the city.



  The next day, we went to the setting of “Anne of Green Gables”. That day was too cold because it was snowing. However, we enjoyed seeing that. I especially love Anne’s house. The house was clear green and pretty cute. It seemed that I enter in the story. I like the atmosphere very well. I would like to go to those next when it is sunny day.



  In addition, we enjoyed eating lobster, ice-cream, and cake. They were so wonderful. The restaurant and cafe were very nice. I think strongly that I want to go to those again.


written by Asami.i