I like seeing beautiful castles because I am excited and overwhelmed. Quebec has so many that ones. Few months ago, I enjoyed traveling this place with my friend.

  First of all, I was surprised when I arrived here since it was too cold and I sometimes saw snows in the road. We checked in hotel, and then we had margherita pizza at a local restaurant. There were a lot of people and I often heard French. The pizza was amazing because the taste and hardness were just right.

  Second of all, we were sightseeing in the city next day. There were beautiful buildings, stores, and churches. The road was brick-shaped, so it was wonderful. My friend and I took a lot of pictures. Actually, I am not good at taking pictures, but I took those well because anywhere I look was pretty nice.



  Third of all, we had crape which was famous food in Quebec, and local food such as poutine, bean soup, meatball, and so on. They were very delicious and we could enjoy taste in there. I especially love crape since the dough was soft and sweetness was so good. It matched chocolate and fruits. I really want to eat again when I will go to Quebec someday.



written by Asami.i