When people have a birthday, they want to eat a special desert like cake. They will be happy and it will be a nice memory. The other day, I celebrated my best friend’s birthday at a cheese cake cafe. It was a very nice cafe, so I’ll introduce it.

It is called “Cheese cake Etc”. This cafe opens from 7 pm to 1 am. It means, it opens at night time only. I was surprised because almost cafes in Canada close before night when I knew the cafe. She recommended me that cafe, and she wanted to go there. So the cafe was perfect to celebrate her birthday.

The cafe is located close to GRANVILLE ISLAND. We can go there by bus from downtown, however, we were walking to there that day. It was far but we did not feel that it took a lot of time since we enjoyed talking and seeing night views while walking. Also, we arrived before 15 minutes of the open time, and we could get seats quickly.

We ordered the same items which were an original cheese cake and strawberry topping, and an iced latte. The cheese cake was amazing because the sweetness was just right and it matched very well with strawberry and whip cream. Of course, the iced late was also good. I love those and I want to eat and drink them many times.



In addition, the atmosphere was nice. It was the best cafe to cerebrate people. You should go there when you want to celebrate your friends or partner. I recommend to go there on the open time since it was crowded when we left there at 8:30 pm. If you go there, you will spend a wonderful night.


Written by Asami.i