Kayak is a popular activity in Canada. Especially, visitors and international students enjoy kayaking. In my case, I wanted to try it but I used to feel scared. When I talked about it to my friend, she said that it was not scary than I thought. So I decided to try kayaking with her. Therefore, I’ll introduce my kayak experience.

We joined activity at school, and we went to GARANVILE ISLAND for kayaking. While we were on the bus, I worried too much so she was cheered me up many times. Firstly, we listened to attention for our instructor since we arrived there. Secondly, we got on a boat and started kayaking. Rowing by paddle was very difficult for me. However, I got used to it as time passes and it was fun.

Little by little, I could enjoy nice views, and we talked a lot while rowing. But it was very hard when a big ship went through. We had to row many times.

My first kayaking experience was a very nice memory. Now, I do not feel scared about kayaking and water activity. I want to try it again from now on with my friends or my family. It will be excited and I will spend a good time.



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Written by Asami.i(愛沙美)