If I work and study very hard for a long time, I want to walk in the nature. The nature heals my mind, so I can relax. I often worried about an exam at school or articles at work, but I don’t need to think when I take a walk. I think it is the best way to relax. Therefore, I’ll introduce my recommended place for walking in Vancouver.

It is called “Stanley Park”. This is a very big park, and it is located in British Columbia. You can easily go there by bus from the station in downtown. There are a lot of nature, flowers, a beach, and so on. Also, the park has a cafe so you can take a break.

I recommend walking a lot. You can breath fresh air. Actually, when I walked with my friends, I could enjoy walking while talking with them, and I could relieve stress from beautiful nature. Moreover, we can enjoy cycling at the park. To ride a bicycle in the nature is amazing. You will be refreshed. I have not tried yet, so I will try it next time. By the way, the bicycle has a type which you can ride with two people. It is fun to ride it with a friend.

You should go there if you want to walk in the nature. Probably, you will spend time comfortably.








Written by Asami.i(愛沙美)