People often want to eat local food in their country when they leave their hometown for a long time. I am studying abroad in Canada, me and my Japanese friends have the same feeling, so I often choose restaurant where there is Japanese food when I go to lunch with them. Recently, I went to eat “Tendon” which is one of the local food in Japan. Therefore, I’ll introduce it.

I was looking for a restaurant the previous day when I have lunch with my friend. I heard about Tendon from another friend. She said that Tendon in Kohaku was really good. I like it and my friend agreed when I suggested it for lunch. We went to Kohaku close to Vancouver City Central station.

When we arrived there, I was surprised because it was a big restaurant and cooler than I expected. We ordered a Classic Tendon which had different kind of tempuras such as shrimp, pumpkin, and seafood. Also, we ordered Chawanmushi which is steamed egg. They were so delicious. Especially, Tendon was amazing because tempura was crispy and the sauce matched with the tempura and rice. Actually, I thought it was big so I did not eat all of it at first. However, it was a good size. I could eat all and I was satisfied.

You should go there if you want to eat Tendon. I want to go there many times. Surely, you will be happy for it.




友達とランチに行くとき、前日にレストランを探した。他の友達から天丼について聞いて、彼女は「こはくの天丼がとても美味しい」と言っていた。私は天丼が好きだから、友達に提案したら、賛成してくれた。私たちは、Vancouver City Central 駅の近くのこはくに行った。

そこに着いたとき、私は想像よりも大きくておしゃれでびっくりした。私たちはエビやカボチャ、海鮮など様々な天ぷらがのったクラシック天丼と卵を蒸した茶碗蒸しを頼んだ。それらをとても美味しかった。特に天丼は、天ぷらがサクサクでソースが天ぷらとご飯に合って最高! 実際、最初大きかったから全部食べきれないと思っていた。けど、ちょうど良いサイズで全て食べられて満足した。

天丼が食べたいときは、こはくに行くべき! 私は何度も行きたい。きっと、幸せな気持ちになるだろう。


Written by Asami.i(愛沙美)