
Today, I would like to introduce a bit strange thing. You might think it shady but I will introduce some evidences at the end. Mind reading technology was developed and got patent decades ago.


Recently, the mind reading headphone is sold among industry that its price is only 300dollars. Electrical signal is moving between brain cells.


Mind reading is the system to read these signal. By the way, mind reading from long distance was already developed and got patent decades ago.

また、脳の間の電気信号を読む事ができるように、相手の頭に思考を送信する物も以前から発明されています。これは、V2K(Voice To Skull)と言われている兵器になります。これは相手が耳栓をしていてもマイクロ波によって相手の脳に直接メッセージを送りつける事が可能です。

Also transmitting voice to skull technology was developed decades ago. This is called V2K (Voice to Skull) technology. Some people called it god voice device about 20years ago. If you put earplug, the voice is transmitted to your brain directly so you must hear voice regardless of your agreeable.



More one step proceed, while the people think to read target brain, the other transmit message to this people as target voice. Therefore, the people make mistake its voice as target voice. These technologies actually are really basic.


One more, the device deprives idea or thinking from target was developed. Also the device was introduced and sold among market about half years ago. The device can deprive think, idea, and voice from target by transmitting electromagnetic wave.


This technology was used to Bush previous president in public speech. In this time, Bush could not speak at all. You must realize any technology was working to him.


The mind reading, transmitting voice to skull, deprive thinking, mind control technologies were developed about 50 or 60years ago. Also these technology were introduced and sold among market recently. However, Japanese government do not make regulation, rule and law at all. This is really ridicurous. Actually, I have received these technology a few decades ago even now, working, studying and every time.


For example, company develop manager’s brain must be read from competitors. Also confidential information must have been read by other company or other countries.


In real, many foreign countries already have law ban on these technology abuse but Japanese government do not make it at all so these technology are abused very much. I hope these technologies’ regulation will be made at soon which is the common and strict rule over the world.


These technologies’ commodity and web-site are below.

思考を盗聴するヘッドホン Mind reading headphone.

(日本語) http://commonpost.boo.jp/?p=47406


日本人研究者が発表した言葉を奪う電磁波銃 The gun can deprive target think.



ブッシュ前大統領が言葉を奪われた時の動画 Bush previous president was deprived of voice.


遠隔からの思考送信、マインドコントロールの技術 Mind control technology from distance place.
