

As I introduced many times before, I would like to introduce my best friend Amit who was my classmate and roommate. This is because I could contact to him today after a long time. This is former blog about Amit. http://ameblo.jp/asianshop-sunlife/entry-11100672643.html



As I said many times before, he is really good person. I live with him and his girl friend in one house. When I was taking up MBA, I always studied all day long. However, in that period, I and them always drank white wine almost every day in the evening.


He is a really talented person unlike me. He is shown in the picture at the left on top page of my net-shop. He graduate top grade from university also he got almost full mark of Ielts exam.


Therefore, he was also my English teacher in the dinner time. I and them make a cook other every day. I tried to make Japanese food as much as possible. I knew that it is a little bit difficult to cook different food every day.


They liked my temaki sushi and fried rice. My fried rice use Japanese dashi so it is good taste. Also they are also good chef and make various kind of food so I was looking forward to eat their food.


He will teach economic since this coming end of August. Actually, he hope to work in security company which will be next chance. I also invested in stocks and foreign exchange so we talked with these topics very much.


He focuses on kind of future trading but I thought it too difficult and risky. His investment teacher seems to win in future trading very much. Now he will be the economic teacher in other country not his country. On the other hand, I am sales person in Thailand.


Actually, I have never had opportunities to work in Japan so the current company employ me after a long time. (I had three job interview in Thailand and current company was the best.) Actually, I wanted to be business consultant before.


He also wanted to be investor which deal with stock and foreign exchange. We gather to study business in Australia from different countries. Now, we are working in other countries not our own country. It is a little bit interesting.


However, we may be seeking to get good opportunity next time. He is really talented person unlike me also his surrounding must be better than me. I am looking forward to see that he will get real success in the future. They are movie about their gorgeous dinner below.
