Hello, everyone!!

Today, I would like to write down Thailand food again. When I went to there, I stayed about 20 days. However, I did not go to the ordinal restaurant which is shown by tour guide. I always went the street vender to eat something.


This is because I do not have much and I though that I wanted to spend the same life as local persons. Therefore, I always eat something in street vender not only Thailand but also Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore.


I did not go to the restaurant so that I can not compare the street vender to restaurant in Thailand. However, I could eat really good food in street vender. However, there is one problem about sanitary. Maybe their dishes are not washed well. Also flies are flying while I ate dinner.


However, I thought that I needed to get used to this situation. If I mind this, I will not eat good food. Also I sometime went to supermarket names Big C. I could get some good food there as well. However, I felt its price a bit higher because I get used to buy something from street vender.


My most favorite food is noodle and garlic soup which is only 90yen or 120yen. Taste is really good. Although others are also good, noodle and soup are really really good. Actually, I went to there eight times in 20 days.


We can see street vender almost every place. They sell Pat-thai, Durian, Coffee, Noodle, sweets and many other things. Also they open from early morning. I would like to recommend you to go there at least once if you go to the Thailand. I would like to introduce dangerous experience in next blog. See you soon!!

露天商はタイならどこでも見る事が出来ると思います。パッタイ、ドリアン、コーヒー(とても甘くて美味しいです)、ラーメン、お菓子など本当に色々なものが買えます。露天はだいたい朝の6時くらいからあいていますので、もしタイへ行く事があれば一度行かれる事をお勧めします。別にタイの回し者でもなんでもないです^^ それでは!!次回はタイで会った少し危なかった経験をお話します。


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