I'm on a job-hunt at the momentチョキ

Truth is I've been pretty down though; I've put my resume in to so many places and I haven't gotten any replies yet しょぼん

And then yesterday, with 2 copies of my resume in hand, I went to the IGA really close byがま口財布
I did a lil shopping, got to the counter and handed my resume over to the guy there while he was putting stuff in my bag (I normally do it but this time I was fetching out my resume so べーっだ! haha.)
Truth is working at IGA is like basically my last resort though むっ

There a liquor store right next to the supermarket. When I was walking past there I was like, "Hmm, I've got one more resume and all... while I'm here I might as well hand it in to them." So I did.
(Its OK once you turn 18 in Aus)

Then, at about 11am this morning, Dad came home from a job. It really is a coincidence, but this time he fixed a computer for the manager from THAT LIQUOR STORE!! Like, what?! えっびっくり
Me and my Dad both know the manager, and apparently the conversation while he was there soon turned to me handing in my resume.

You can't sell alcohol here unless you have a certificate that says you're allowed to do so. I so forgot that!汗
When Dad reminded me of that LITTLE BIT of big information (duh Ashu, duh..), I went straight to the website that the manager told my Dad about and applied for the online course to get the certificate. It was only $75! Sweeeet.

And so today, from lunch to about 6pm tonight, aaaaaaalll I've done is study study study. It's been a while since I last STUDY STUDIED so a took like a gazillion mini-breaks in-between though にひひ

And cos it was only a short course, when I gave it my all I managed to get it done in one day! Cos I finished so quick I was worried that not all the info had been soaked up by lil brain cells >.< But I went ahead and did the final test straight after that anyway and...ビックリマーク




"Gawd hurry up and just say it already!"プンプン

Yeah yeah, I'm getting thereにひひ


I did it!チョキ
I did it better than I thought I would!!ニコニコ
Also, I thought I would get the certificate for it in the mail, but once I passed the test I could just download it in PDF form! Easy, innit?
With this, I can hand a copy in to the liquor store tomorrows!
Wh00t チョキ

Even if I don't end up getting the job, I still feel like I've done something good todayチョキ
Yay yay, so thrilled at the moment ラブラブ!

色んなお店にアッシュはレジュメを出したけど、一ヶ月間に連絡がゼンゼン届いていただかなくて、実はすごく悩んだなの しょぼん

実はスーパーで働きたくないけどね むっ


で、今朝11時ごろ、パパは仕事から帰った。本当に偶然けど、今回パパはアノ酒屋のマネジャーさんのパソコンを修理したよ!!びっくりしました! えっびっくり











...has arrived!! ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ

Wow, 2 parcels in 2 days. Lushhh クラッカー

Postmen of the world, banzai to you キスマーク


In particular, to the postmen of Japan, Germany, and of course Australia's Perth, Thankyou x3 ありがとう ラブラブ ラブラブ ラブラブ

Ok, I'm gonna show you what I got アップ


"IAMX Ltd."...I wonder if it could possibly be.....!But, it's so much earlier then scheduled (ノ´▽`)ノ
This photo shows part of the decoration of the wall in my room. You can see some of the CD covers I have: I'm letting you see two of IAMX's, two of Robots In Disguise's, and a bit of one of W's covers.


It arrived early, after all! I got a bookmark as a free present thats advertising Boutique IAMX's website プレゼント


Chris Corner's ≪aka IAMX's≫ eyes are heaps freaky but I reckon they ooze coolness at the same time. No? Just me? Well, whatevs にひひ


This is a pocket mirror (the other side of it, captain obvious) 鏡
I'm pretty crap at taking photos so sorry you can't really read it しょぼん汗
"You look good in pleasure" are lyrics from IAMX's song "I Am Terrified"
Pretty erotic lyrics huh >.< IAMX is so cool ラブラブ!


I bought 4 badges 音譜
I luurve adding badges to my collection ラブラブ
I'm well pleased that I was able to get badges from my fav IAMX ニコニコ
If you look at Boutique IAMX's site atm, the "My Secret Friend" badges are all sold out now. Did I manage to buy the last one left? Hehehe べーっだ!


The thing I wanted to order in the first place was this CD. It's a remix album of the album I bought last year, "Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction." So happy! It was a nice surprise to get the album THIS earlyびっくり
I mean, it's supposed to start going on sale March 19th, yet I received it today, March 10! Pre-ordering is the best チョキ


This is Chris Corner. He's so artistic in everything he does. アート
Oh, by the way, I still haven't told you what the album's name is yet huh?
Reworks And Interpretations Of IAMX3"
is the title. Its so looong. I don't really get it, but it's also pretty artistic, whatever it means.


Half of the people who did remixes etc for this album.


And within these people is James Cook! Super cool! I love James' old band "Nemo." He's already made a new band though. I NEED to get around to listening to their stuff one of these days! The song "Running" in this album was remixed by him and one other person from his band. More than a remix it's like they've made their own original song! James becomes the vocalist for this version! Of course, I love Chris' version the most, but this version has also been really well produced 音符


The other half of the peoples. 音譜

I like most of the tracks of this album. There weren't any REMIXES that I wasn't happy with but...シラー

Miss Derringer made a completely new version of "Think of England." The vocalist's voice grates so BAD. And they've turned it into something like a country western ショック! They didn't get or convey the feelings in this song at all. Well disappointing しょぼん

Yep, I think that's it for the bad ones. All the others fall into my original rankings, ranging from "That was nice" to "HOLY! That was lusshhhhh" haha にひひ

The remix that made me think "HOLY! That was lusshhhhh" the most might've been...Daniel Graves/Aesthetic Productions' remix version of "Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction." I've still only listened the album through once so I can't really bring to mind what my impressions were for each yet. Normally, I don't really like remixes. So for this kind of person, who doesn't like remixes, to think this album is full of high quality remixes, is pretty amazing! It IS amazing. Please listen to this or the original album sometime! 音譜音譜