In Oxford | More than just Chips and Sushi!

More than just Chips and Sushi!

A British and Japanese long distance relationship :)

Hello :)

I went Oxford for the first time!
It is two hours by bus besides One £12 is so cheap isn't it !? Omg

So Oxford is very beautiful city and famous town!
I love old buildings because we don't have that in Japan!
But It's normal in the U.K
There are a lot of buildings from 200 to 300 years ago

I heard it from my boyfriend.
The scone of Oxford seems to be delicious :)
So I ate scone! It's sooo delicious :)

And I bought Vanilla tea!
I loooove it!! It's so yummy and nice smell (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Besides it was very cheap!
I'm so lucky :)

Oh, so I like Alice!
Original Alice shop is in Oxford :)
It's so cute ♥︎♥︎♥︎

I love Oxford city and I want to go absolutely again! :)