Nagasaki University hospital reports the world's first successful living donor liver transplantation of a right posterior sector graft into an elderly hemophilia patient with hepatocellular carcinoma and type C cirrhosis. What made this report unique was the fact that only the right posterior sector of the donor's liver was transplanted instead of the conventional transplantation of the entire right lobe or entire left lobe of the liver. As a result, a safe volume of liver (more than 60% of the liver) could be left for the donor.Note: hemophilia is a condition characterized by a deficiency or absence of blood clotting factors, which may lead to a hemorrhagic tendency, while on the other hand, liver transplantation is a highly invasive surgical procedure with a high risk of massive bleeding. In this report, an intraoperative evaluation of coagulation capacity was carried out along with preoperative and postoperative management methods designed for hemophilia patients on the basis of research studies previously conducted by the hospital's surgical team.#長崎大学病院 #血友病 #肝移植 #右後区域 #肝臓がん #C型肝硬変