2.1 update for Xperia X10 is late in the day | Draft life with blog

Draft life with blog

嘘かまことか読む人次第 / True or lie? it depends on yourself

$Draft life with blog

Time plan of Android 2.1 update for Xperia X10 is completely damned schedule. If 1st update would be the major one (i.e. update to Android 2.1), nobody criticized that Sony Ericsson launched Xperia X10 with android 1.6 at first. But now as well as 2.1, latest Android smart phone has 2.2 (Froyo) and now Xperia X10 has what!? 2.1? No! No! No! still 1.6.

Many of Xperia X10 users have already become increasingly dissatisfied with it and unfortunately many users will never get a phone by Sony Ericsson as a result. I have had a look a lot of sad comments regarding this in the internet, not only Japanese but global. I wanna ask Sony Ericsson realizes these comments or not and I wanna know what they learn from this commotion.
Before I have seen some Sony Ericsson engineer who said that the differences are just only few functions between 1.6 and 2.1 so not need 2.1 update or like that in their blog. In essentials these are different but it seems no difference on the surface. But if there are 2 smart phones in the store and one is Android 1.6 and another is 2.1, which one does typical people select? Maybe 2.1 even if people has no idea about Android OS. they inevitably think that smart phone which has big version number Android is latest and good one. I think so as well.

This is demo about Timescape and social phonebook from Xperia X10 with Android 2.1.

If I would see this demo a month ago, I was exited absolutely.
But now my 1st impresson is "Meaning what?"
Of course I understand that this modification is wonderful. but I can't feel delight without protest. Because Galaxy by Samsung and Desire by htc have already been launched with Android 2.2! It is common impression isn't it.

This ruction as 2.1 update indicates latest OS has very important implications in Android smart phone market and other competitor will re-realize this importance. So if Sony Ericsson will launch Xperia X12 with Android 2.2, I must throw Xperia X10 away and never buy smart phone which is made by Sony Ericsson as a matter of course.

And I hope that Xperia X12 has Android 3.0, i.e. Ginger Bread!!