woke up,,,, late-ish because mom came over to
my room to sleep =A=;;;;;;;; and she snores..
int he middle I kept on waking up,,,, and being all
grumpy., 青スジ and it doesn't help when I like to move
around my warm spots,, so they they aren't .....warm...
and if she sleeps on the other side,,,, i can't move..
and therefore i get really stuffy,,,,,,, and ムカムカ
oh well,,
woke up got to school, didn't start writing the test until
10:15-ish, we had our break at 10,
during break, saw michelle, ryan, tiffany and her friend,
for once got to see them all at once,
just talked and stuff outside the classroom and then
went back to write the test,,
it was ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I don't know,,,,,,, I still don't get LOGS that well,,
after writing the test it was 12-ish, so she just let us
talk until the class was over,
mom came to pick me up and michelle went to get a haircut,
stopped by KFC to buy lunch, ate it at home and then
played some Oendan,, massaged my dad half of the time,,
and then left the house to go to Market Mall again,
bought a pair of shorts and this quarter length shirt thing
mom couldn't find what she wanted,,,,,,,
and then we left at 6-ish, got home and
played more DS, d/l-ed harry potter and the order of phoenix.,,
kindof,,,, boring =A=;
mom kept on pestering me to "review" and then
ate dinner did more review,,,, cleaned up my room a bit more,,,,
which there is still a lot to clean up actually =A=; arg,,
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