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ahh i want to make one too xDD,,
was suppose to wake up early to go yum cha at silver dragon,
but my dad had problems with his dialysis so we went out later,
and I'm still cleaning my room,, and have to clean even more
because another family member is coming over to my house to stay,,
therefore that family member is making me have to switch rooms,,
ムカムカ visistors are so troublesome,,
anyways, after mom had her tantrum, we went out at 12:30ish
to silver dragon, and it was still packed! on the way in we saw
Auntie Olivia and the grandma leaving,
waited a while for out seat and then started to eat,
......after eating went to wal-mart to buy some stuff, dad
sat/slept at Marlin Travel,, after shopping drove back
home and i franctically started studying for math,,
doing all the review questions, because i hate log,,
in the middle some people came over to measure our door
size,, in the basement,
after that, ate dinner, and slept at 1,,,
I couldn't sleep,,, i played Ouenden for an hour,, and puzzle league,,
its actually quite fun,,,,,,,, but now
it takes me 10+ tries to beat Ouenden!??! arg.......