in the morning was suppose to webcam with
anthony, but i couldn't sneak downstairs to go on the
computer because my mother was by the room,
and she'll find it weird that I wake up so early to go
on the computer on a saturday morning,
well anyways i couldn't go back to sleep =A=;
so she coaught me watching TV, and therefore,,
making me get out of bed to finish cleaning off my closet/room

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I've never cleaned my room for such a long time, in the end
i had 4 garbage bags of stuff to give away to people,,
goodbye stuff T______T;;
after cleaning, we went to regency at around 1 pm to yum cha,,
and there was practically no one there,,
and the people already were starting to clean,, how sad
they have no business,,
ate very little but still was very full,
went downstairs to buy some chinese pastries and then waited for
mom to come back from getting stuff from "zhong dai" while
waiting saw Evelyn, so sad that I couldn't go badminton today,,
too last minute,, had to get cancelled,,
and then i saw Yvonne again, haha with Steven,
my dad saw them,, and doesn't approve Yvonne as a friend
because she has a boyfriend,,,,,,,,omg
I never knew how strict my parents were until now,
after that mom finally came back and we drove home,,
and then a while later, went to Market Mall,
wow i haven't been there for ages hehe >3333<
bought, 2 jeans, belt, white shirt thing,,
that took a while,, and forgot to get the important stuff!
opps =A=;
came home and mom cooked dinner, I reviewed some math
and then at 11-ish went to bed,