morning, woke up late because, it was raining?
and whenever it rains, i find it so hard to wake up
hehehe >333< but we didn't get out late because of me,,
my dad couldn't get ready in time =A=;
left the house at 8:10, and arrived at school at 8:33,,
teacher was just about to turn the lights off, so I wasn't late
bahaha =] yaya`
MIDTERM MARKS came out today,,,,,,,
did ok` surprised I guess,,
after that,, just took more notes notes notes,
then saw this notice thingy,, and it reminded me of someone,,
hehe , >3333<

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after school, michelle didn't get a ride off us
and I just went home, ate " sticky rice " and then
just peta'd arisu and stuff,,
at around 3-ish went over to AMA to take my "knowledge test" hah,
but when we got to the AMA by my house, they said that they
don't let kids take that test at their center any more =A=;;
so we had to go to this Richmond Registry thingy, and I wrote
it there,, took me an hour,,, hahahhaa
but there were 30 questions!! I was so scared =A=; you can only
have 5 wrong,, I guess thats ok, but I didn't know more than 5
questions,, so i was thinking really hard at the ones I was
guessing at =A=;; at around 4:20, I made myself get up
and walk to the desk to get it marked,,
I hate not having a time limit,, sometimes,, I'm too nervous to actually
go up there myself >333<
anyways, she marked it and i got 2 wrong =] yaaaa passed!!!
wrong answer for, something about alcohol and,,
needing parental consent to withdraw your liscence,,
didn't know parents could do that =A=;
anyways after that went home and hea'd a bit,
then at 8-ish went to chinatown to eat dinner,
at "gee gong" hahaha,,,, i laughed at the english translations,,

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wuuu ate super fast because they closed at 9 =A=;
after that went home,,
talked with anthony at 11-ish for half an hour,, and then
I went to sleep`