nothing special, forgot my snacks so,,
I couldn't eat while writing notes =[
I came out earlier than michelle, so i just
stood by her doorway and looked over at this
cookie jar thing,, and first thing I read was ,,
"ken ass" eh!??! i laughed ,,
now that i thikn about it again,, its not that funny..

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after that, michelle's mom came to pick us up,
went to the dim sum place below fujiyama to eat

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along with carmen's mother, which I did not recognize
at all,, but she knew me? i found it weird, since I haven't
seen her,, for about moe than 5 years i think,,
she's a very up to date -fashion wise- person,, ging,,
so we ate ate ate until 2-ish, and carmen's mother was
talking about carmen's jobs to us,, detaill-y

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i guess the picture doesn't show it that clearly but, the
far right "dan tat" was really weird looking,,
but tasted good good,,
then we walked to regency to look around and michelle
wanted to buy a bag, at that store upstairs, went there
and she bought it, this white poofy bag
after that bought bubble tea and then sat in her mother's car

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until 3:30 to pick up andy, drove me home
and that was it, did homework until sleep,

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was going to sleep and then checked my phone and
anthony was calling >3333<
it was 11-ish and talked to him till 11:30, because
mom was coming upstairs,,
i remember saying I would tell her,,
I change my mind, I forgot how scary my mom was,,
more in next day,,

i forgot we went to the carwash, sometime at night,,,
like 7-ish i think,,

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