woke up at 10-ish i think, i don't really remember,
i have no sense of time or date when it comes to holidays =A=;
and i'm so not use to the waking up early.. hahaha yes,,
10am is early for me now-a-days and i'm not use to the
loudness of the house, and these family stuff =A=;
maybe,, it'll stick in soon,,
drove down to chinatown to 飲茶, at first we wanted to go
to 新港成,, 但係冇曬位, 所以去左regency,,
it was all good, and then in the middle had this adult conversation
and it just idk made me frustrated, so w/e
after eating, went downstairs to buy mom a sim card, and
buy a refill for me,, that took like half an hour? or an hour i think,,
walked around chinatown, and when it was around 1ish went upstairs
to the shunde place to sit and wait until 2pm so that i could
start the "face painting" haha
helped them set up the room and stuff,,

and then Anita arrivedd xDD yaya``
sat down, and stuff,,
we were practically the only young kids,, >3333<
and a two big green kids hehe

started to do the painting while listening to the teacher talk
about mixing colors haha xD
got kindof bored then, poor teacher, she was old and nervous xD
but her stories were pretty funny hehe

finally we started to paint on the mask thingies,,
it was at first kindof hard, because
the brushes were really hard to make a fine tip,,
and our finished products,,,

yaa`` the second one from the left is mine =]
<<<<<THE COLOR IS SO SHARP>>>>>>> quote quote
then walked into the,, imported japanese cosmetic stuff place
and the jewelry store downstairs with anita she bought
some stuff,, and this clover necklace really nice =]
aunt came, so then in the end, while walking around the store
again, i saw this really nice ring,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hahaha
and got it =A=;
drove home and ate dinner =]