first thing social,, was ok
just did reading and such,,
second class,, finance, = no comment,,
didn't know any of the answers to the test
at all,, 青スジ and at first i thought it was just the first booklet,,
that we were getting tested on,, but there were two,,
so half of them I totally played,, ini mini mo``,,
haha >33333<
after that,, sad class,, i had to do another test,,
physics light unit final,, that was kinda bad too,,
why can't i get theory questions!??!
i can never remember stuff 泣
then spare came,, at first I was going to go to the
band room, and practice my butt off, for the whole hour,,
but the band room was closed =A=;
so i sat with LeeLee for a bit,
at first, she was going to go out with Gloria, but she didn't
know if she was for-sure going out or not,,
so we went to their math classroom, to see if we can
sneak in and ask her,,
but the teacher was there talking and stuff,, and when
LeeLee was asking her if she can go out or not,,
the teacher looked back and totally "bea'ed" her
haha ,,,,,,,,, he's so scary.. 青スジ
so after I just waited with LeeLee for her parents to
come and pick her up for lunch,,
when they arrived,, I went to the library to just
play for a bit, and check the updates for arisuheart
saw ray in the library, and just played around with him
on facebook and stuff,, haha
he's so funny xDDD
and like that,, an hour went by,,
right when I was going to my locker with jason h. the
fire bell rang,, and we all had to evacuate from the school,,
so stupid,,
walked outside and saw everyone, said hi and stuff and
as soon as we were able to go back inside, we did,
and i went to the band room to practice,
michelle went out with jurjur,,,
practiced for an hour almost, because I was suppose to go
test at 2pm but he delayed it until 2:30 almost,,
then, stephen called to ask, where i was and i was still at school青スジ
then called anthony and he was just coming, and he wanted to
know my locker combination because he didn't want to carry
michelle's gift,, so I told him,, but told him in the wrong order xDD

tested,, did ok i guess and then walked outside to see
anthony and 五哥, waiting there >33<

and then someone called anthony's phone,, but he didn't know
who it was???? idk,, i started to talk to that person,,
and it was tiff haha xDDDD she sounded like a ghost!!
after that we took the bus to CT to meet up with stephen,,
when we met up with him,, he was dead-ish sitting in
Dragoncity Mall,, sat there and started to analyze the people
that walked by xDDD
pretty funny,,
after that we finally decide to walk to korean village,
right when we went inside,, there was NOONE,,
but I guess it was already 3-ish so,, i guess no one would
eat at that time anyways,,
waited there,, and started to take pictures,,
and they said that,, "hk" people always take pictures
from the top 青スジ

and not looking at the camera would make
you be emo hahaha xDD

the lady was super cranky too,,
I don't know why,, she kept rushing to give us food,,
so those dishes that come out before the food,, we hardly
ate any of them,, plus i don't eat any of them haha xDD
we decided to get this four dinner set thing,, plus bbq

idk,, this time it seemed like there was less flavor? i think its because
there was too much water,,
but oh well,,
we sat there forevvvverrrrrrrrr, talking and making these weird jokes,
and then paid the bill,, sat again,,
and the person thought we didnt' pay,, so she gave us the bill again
haha xDD
walked outside to see this girl dressed in those korean outfits xD
so cute,,,

oh, forgot in the end michelle called and asked
if we can take the bus together and I said sure,,
so we met up with her at the Calgary Tower
on the way there, we saw this pot thing,, and started
to take hobo pictures with it xDD

that took a while,, haha
and then saw michelle,, went inside the Calgary Tower
to just take pictures? i guess,,

and then we had to leave,, at around 6:30-ish
my aunts were mad because I forgot to call back home >3333<
oh well,, it was my fault,,