today is the day where i defy my parents words,,
i kinda feel bad about it,,ガァン
but what can i do?
how long do you think i can keep this up,,
without them knowing?
わかないよ 青スジ

``` physics test,, fail >333<
then spare,, went out with leelee to take the 2
to chinatown,, and then anthony went to the school 青スジ
so i waited in dragon city for a bit, and just played with
the ds >333<
after that, we walked to korean village, raced at the last bit,,
but it was closed =A=;;
so we walked back to chinatown, and ate at ABC,
had french toast, and milk tea
4pm left, had interesting talk about eating dog,cat,mice =A=;
then waited for my bus to come,,
....はずかし泣くわ、もう… I didn't know how to react,
right when i answered,,,, my bus came,, so
did i do something wrong?