

第2弾は、GAG日本語学院の卒業生で、現在、母校であるGAG日本語学院で事務員として勤務をするGIRI RAMCHANDRAさんです。








GIRI RAMCHANDRAさん(ネパール出身、26歳)



GIRI RAMCHANDRA (from Nepal, 26 years old)

Came to Japan in October 2019. After studying at GAG Japanese Language Institute for one and a half years, he entered Fukuoka Foreign Languages College and after graduating, he got a job at GAG Japanese Language School. Currently, he is mainly in charge of students from Nepal at the school’s office, and is engaged in various works related to the management of Japanese language school.



  GAG Japanese Language Institute




Q. 日本に来た理由をおしえてください。

A. もともと、医師になりたいと思って、医療系専門高校を卒業した後、病院でアシスタントとして働きながら、大学の二部(15:00-19:00)に通って勉強をしていました。





Q. Please tell us why you came to Japan.

A. Originally, I wanted to become a doctor, so after graduating from a medical high school, I worked as an assistant at a hospital while commuting to university's second division (15:00-19:00) for studying.

However, even if I were to work at a private medical institution and my salary would increase, I could only expect to receive around 30,000 yen per 1 month.

Also, in Nepal, if you want to work somewhere and get a high salary, you have to be a civil servant. As someone who comes from a rural town with no electricity and did not grow up in a very wealthy family, it is difficult for me to work as a civil servant. It was no mean feat to become one.

In such a situation, I searched for an environment where I could somehow carve out a path using my own abilities. After doing some research and asking friends for information, I started to become interested in Japan and came to Japan as a student.



入学式 Entrance Ceremony


Q. 日本に来てから、日本の印象はどうでしたか?





Q. What was your impression of Japan after coming to Japan?

A. My first impression is that Japanese people are very kind.

The teacher at the Japanese language school taught me how to ride a bicycle from the first even though I didn't even know how to ride, and when I had trouble with the contract for the room I rented, she intervened and helped me in many times. In Nepal, a school teacher is a very authoritative and absolute person, so I couldn't believe that a teacher of the school could do something like that.

Also, Japanese people always think about the people around them and what will happen next. I was impressed by how Japanese culture and customs were reflected in the way they parked their cars in reverse and arrange your shoes so that they are easy to put on after taking them off.


Q. 学生時代はどうでしたか?




Q. How were your school days?

A. Basically, all I did was just going to school and my part-time job, then coming back to the dormitory. I don't really remember going out to play with somebody. For such a reason, I could pass the N2 exam about 1 year and 8 months after coming to Japan, and even received an award at a vocational school's speech competition.

At Japanese language school, I mainly studied Japanese, but at a vocational school I majored in international business, and I think it was also good that I was able to acquire knowledge other than Japanese that I had never studied before. For example, I had been thinking of the illuminations in front of Hakata Station as nothing more than a waste of electricity before, but in the end, I could understand it improves the image and attracts more customers. There are many purposes behind this illumination, and society is made to work.


スピーチ大会 Speach Conpetition


Q. どうして今の仕事に就こうと思いましたか?




Q. Why did you decide to do your current job?

A. When I was a student, I had the experience of being treated kindly by a teacher, and little by little, I began to think that it would be great if I could do a similar job.

Recently, the number of crimes and suicides among Nepali people living in Japan has been increasing. Every time I heard a news like that, I wonder why their problems have happened though they came to Japan with dreams. And I feel very sad. I am doing my current job because I want to be able to help in some small way to prevent situations like that.


Q. 今、仕事をしているときの大変なことや、やりがいについておしえてください。

A. 夜中に交通事故に遭ったといって電話がかかってきたり、急に学生と連絡がとなれなくなったり、大変なことは日常茶飯事です。ただ、私はトラブルがあれば、それを解決するために乗り越えて、新たなことを学べると思って前向きに取り組んでいます。また、学生に対して責任転嫁をするのではなく、自分自身が学生にしっかりと説明して指導が不十分だったという気持ちで、1つ1つの業務の質を高められるように常に努力するようにしています。



Q. Please tell us about the difficult and rewarding aspects of your current job.

A. Difficult situations such as receiving a call in the middle of the night saying that a student has been involved in a traffic accident, or suddenly being unable to contact a student are commonplace. However, if I have a problem, I try to overcome it in order to solve it and work on it positively, thinking that I can learn something new. In addition, rather than passing the responsibility on to the students, I think that I should always try to improve the quality of each work. Then I will explain to the students in detail, because my guidance was not sufficient.

It has already been a year since I worked at this school, and the other day I received a letter of gratitude from a student. I am very happy when students express their feelings to me in this way, and it motivates me to work hard in the future.


学生からの手紙 Letter from the student


Q. 今後の夢についておしえてください。




Q. Please tell us about your future dreams.

A.It may be a bit abstract, but I don't think tomorrow will be the same as today, and I want to live a meaningful life by working hard every day at the job that is in front of me.

In the future, I would like to return to my home country and work as a Japanese language teacher to train students who want to go to Japan. And if the number of students I interact with who know about Japan increases by even 100, those 100 people might educate 100 more, and if that happens, the relationship between Japan and Nepal will become even better. I work with this in mind.


Q. 今後、日本で就職したいと思っている人へ一言お願いします。




Q. Please give a message to people who want to work in Japan in the future.

A. I want you to live your life to the fullest and improve yourself every day. Specifically, I would like them to not only study Japanese, but also to learn about Japanese culture and manners.

Recently, there are many students who are trying desperately to stand out from others, such as trying to look fashionable or posting on SNS. It is more important to have a good appearance that impresses others than to look fashionable, and I believe that by improving your inner self and understanding yourself further, you will be able to become someone who can be second to none. I hope you will do your best to make this possible!









★株式会社 世界人財

  URL: https://sekai-jinzai.com



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E-mail: info@sekai-jinzai.com

