


In Tottori, my responsibilities in addition to officer in charge and special projects officer, were to maintain liaison with prefecture officials, mainly with the chief of police, the chief prosecutor and occasionally with the governor, and also with our Military Government team and a British unit which was stationed in Tottori prefecture. Our office kept close observation of the Japanese Communist Party activities, including maintaining a dossier of its leaders, and the activities of labor unions which at that time had become very active. To help us carry out our assignment, we received daily reports from the police department. We also hired a Japanese national to translate key news items from the local press. I also developed a trusted interpreter, a former police officer, who was instrumental in developing my contacts with Japanese officials annd other leaders in the community. The assistant chief of police was a constant caller at our office and I developed a good working relationship with him. With this background we were able to furnish headquarters with full and accurate coverage of activities in our area of responsibility.




Our living conditions in Tottori city were excellent. We took over a private residence where all of the staff had well furnished private quarters. All household duties were performen by indigenous personnel, including the preparation of meals. The US Army Quartermaster which made weekly trips to such remote areas as Tottori, was generous in supplying the unit with provisions (actually sufficient supplies to feed our staff and all our indigenous workers). We were provided with an adequate number of jeeps to meet all our travelling requirements. For entertainment, the army provided us with a movie projector and circulated American Movies throughout the outlying districts. We were also frequently invited to parties hosted by Japanese officials and/or community members and we, in turn, reciprocated with funds preovided by our headquarters. Of course many of these contacts also had a business purpose. We formed a baseball team and had games with some of the local teams. I spent a lot of time skiing during the winter months. There were also numerous bars and night clubs which we could visit.

