Wow! Someone ate whole my tomato that I grown up at my balcony in one day! I was waiting my tomato gets ripened. Finally it gets red and I was thinking to take in it this weekend. Yesterday, I found someone ate it. My tomato was about 1/2 size yesterday. And it has gone this morning! No residue was left. Nothing! :-) Left photo is the one that I took yesterday. And right photo is the one I took this morning. Now he ate all of it and he found another good looking tomato at next tomato tree. He ate 1/2 of another my last tomato this year. I found it this morning. I wonder he might bring his family and friends. That's too fast for one bird! Again, it is very regrettable I have no camera to know who they are. :-) ようやく赤くなって、今週末に収穫と思っていたトマト。 昨日、誰かに半分食べられました。 画像左 さあて。その後どうなったかな? と今朝見たらな〜〜〜〜んにも残ってない。 糞も食べカスも痕跡ゼロ! 画像右 オマケに反対側に植えてある今年最後のトマトちゃんまで食べちゃったのね〜(^^;; 一匹じゃ無いかもね。 長岡メジロと丸山メジロが家族つれてきたか?^_^ ここまで食べられちゃったら全部あげるよ。来年もおいで!^_^ #animal #bird #tomato #pomodoro #vegitable #firm #planter #plant #garden #gardening #morning #damage #watching #birdwatching #nature #鳥 #ガーデニング #ベランダ #かじる #食べられた #トマト

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