Hello Ramen Lovers, I visited MACHIDA SHOTEN(町田商店). First visit. MACHIDA SHOTEN is famous for Yokohama ie kei Ramen. And I tried simple Ramen with original taste. There were 2 men and 1 waitress was working and they were very cheerful. They were almost shouting with smile! :-) Ramen has arrived soon. The soup had very much strong pork flavor. Cloudy yellow color. Very very thick soup. It was like a stew or potage, more than soup. And the noodle was also thick & heavy . I could enjoy this Ramen first 3 bytes only. After that everything was too much strong & heavy. It was too much for me. This Ramen was good, but this was not mine. :-( 町田商店、本店。初訪問。 息子のお墨付きだ。 券売機でオリジナルのラーメンを購入。 お好みも普通でオリジナル。 店員さんの異常に大きなかけ声に驚きながら待つ事しばし。 着丼です。 その色。味の濃厚さ。トロトロの食感。 スープというよりポタージュかシチューに近い感じ。 腰の強い中太麺。 大きな薄めのチャーシュー。 コロリと鶉の玉子。 王道の海苔3枚とほうれん草。 過去最高レベルの濃厚さ。 美味しかった。3口目までは、、、。 その後は、ちょっと私にはToo Muchでした。 タマネギのトッピングで辛うじて逃げ切りましたが、、、。 次のチャンスがあれば、ランチに油抜きで頼んでみます。´д` ; #ramen #ramen🍜 #rammstein #tonkotsuramen #tokyo #tonkotsu #noodles #menstagram #soupnoodles #thickchick Hello Ramen Lovers, I visited MACHIDA SHOTEN(町田商店). First visit. MACHIDA SHOTEN is famous for Yokohama ie kei Ramen. And I tried simple Ramen with original taste. There were 2 men and 1 waitress was working and they were very cheerful. They were almost shouting with smile! :-) Ramen has arrived soon. The soup had very much strong pork flavor. Cloudy yellow color. Very very thick soup. It was like a stew or potage, more than soup. And the noodle was also thick & heavy . I could enjoy this Ramen first 3 bytes only. After that everything was too much strong & heavy. It was too much for me. This Ramen was good, but this was not mine. :-( 町田商店、本店。初訪問。 息子のお墨付きだ。 券売機でオリジナルのラーメンを購入。 お好みも普通でオリジナル。 店員さんの異常に大きなかけ声に驚きながら待つ事しばし。 着丼です。 その色。味の濃厚さ。トロトロの食感。 スープというよりポタージュかシチューに近い感じ。 腰の強い中太麺。 大きな薄めのチャーシュー。 コロリと鶉の玉子。 王道の海苔3枚とほうれん草。 過去最高レベルの濃厚さ。 美味しかった。3口目までは、、、。 その後は、ちょっと私にはToo Muchでした。 タマネギのトッピングで辛うじて逃げ切りましたが、、、。 次のチャンスがあれば、ランチに油抜きで頼んでみます。´д` ; #heavy #heavyrain #pork #porksoup #lunch # kitchen #oily #ramenmurah #fukuokaramen #ramen #ラーメン #町田 #町田商店 #ギトギト #チャーシューでかい #とんこつラーメン #とんこつ #うまい #yammy #うずらの卵

Enjoy the life from Yokohamaさん(@snafkin_i_like_him)がシェアした投稿 -