Thank you,Cafekko! | アンティック-珈琲店-(AN CAFE) 輝喜 OFFICIAL BLOG「則天去私」powered by Ameba

Thank you,Cafekko!

I supported live of Spyralcall the other day.I spoke with one Spanish's girl on the day.

She cannot speak Japanese well. She was always coming to live of Spyralcall with the friend. The friend can speak Japanese well. Therefore, the friend was interpreting it between her and me. However, the friend has returned to Spain for the school last month. She has come live alone since then.

And, she talked in Japanese hard with me the other day.It made me very pleased. She said,,,

You are not lonely. You have the fan with the member. And, there is far my family. It is the same as you. Please laugh.!Always!

Her strength and geniality become my support. I was glad for tears to fall.

By the way, I did USTREAM with Mr.Sakurai three days ago. A lot of Cafekko participated all over the world by Twitter. And, three people participated in our conversation. It is brazilian, Mexican, and Spanish's Cafekko. I was glad to exchange with a lot of Cafekko. And, I was able to speak with three people while seeing the face. It is very important. I felt that we were to be near.☆Thank you,Cafekko!