イサク・チルドレン。 | アンティック-珈琲店-(AN CAFE) 輝喜 OFFICIAL BLOG「則天去私」powered by Ameba



一昨日の夜、みくくんと横田さんと飲みに行ってきました。横田さんというのはRed cafeのチーフだった方。スパーク長谷川氏の上司です。


横田さんがお店の人に「こいつらね、アンカフェっていうバンドのメンバーで、イサク・チルドレンなの。最後の。」って僕らを紹介してくれました。お店の人は懐かしそうに驚いてました。イサクさんっていうのはRed cafeの一番偉い人。この人のことは実は今までにも何回かブログに書いてます。ビッグサイトで武道館を発表したその数日後、亡くなってしまった人。



I supported the piko yesterday. It is recording for the television. I felt nervous very much. However, I enjoyed it☆Recording was done in the TV station named TBS. Do you know TBS?TBS broadcast "K-ON!".I bought a lot of "K-ON!" goods yesterday.(*´θ`*)After recording,I went to eat roast meat with takuya,Okamura(bassist),and Ohujia(Piko's manager).

It went drinking with Miku and Yokota on the day before yesterday night. Yokota is important man for Red cafe.

We spoke memories of AN CAFE.We laughed a lot. However, the staff had a hard time more than I thought. We troubled them a lot. However, they were laughing mostly. I felt sorry very much. However, he said. "You may not worry. I love AN CAFE. "

Yokota is acquainted with the clerk in the shop. Yokota introduced us to the clerk. "They are members of the band named AN CAFE. And, they are Isaku-Children. "The clerk smiled missing it. Isaku is the most important man for Red cafe. I have written him in the blog several times. A lot of interesting ideas in AN CAFE were due to him. He died several days after live Nippon Budoukan of AN CAFE had been decided.

I had only the image "Isaku is a great person in the company". However, he had taken an active part in the top about the music production in old times. I am still one's teens. And, he did big artist's a lot of production and management afterwards.

It becomes a hit a lot when web is retrieved by his name. The power of people laments his death.

We are happy child artist brought up by a very wonderful person.We have not given a reward to him yet. We are polishing the individual now. We come back without fail. I want to be praised by him,too.