癒し系クリスマス。 | アンティック-珈琲店-(AN CAFE) 輝喜 OFFICIAL BLOG「則天去私」powered by Ameba



昨日は夜10時から午前3時まで、USTREAM生放送あっという間の5時間でした。そして今日は昼からカノンさんの収録もののお手伝い。まぁ集合時間にカノンさんはまだ夢の中でしたが。。。収録後はSTUDIO blue-3チームとごはんへ行きまして、ごちそうになってしまいました☆とはいえ、支払いはプロデューサーのカノンさんではありません(*´θ`*)/

その後夕方から、the bulletのケンジくんとLOGIQのAGEHAくんに手伝ってもらって、ドラムセットを家の近くのスタジオへ移動させました。年末のOver The Edgeで使用するためです。あのグリーンスパークルのセットを使うのは約1年ぶり、武道館以来です。あのときとはセッティングも変わったし、サポートライブに来てくれてる人はわかると思うけど太鼓の数も増えましたからね。何日間か自分のセットで練習するためにスタジオをおさえてあるのです。あ、そういえばキックのヘッド代えなきゃ。他のバンドで演奏するのに「AN CAFEo(≧∀≦)o」ではいけないからね。


I was for a long time with the Kanon at Christmas.

We did USTREAM last night. I felt it very short though it continued during five o'clock of the night from ten o'clock. And, I helped the collection of Kanon's net radio in daytime today. However, he was still sleeping at the time of the set. (-ω-)zzZ I went to meal with the STUDIO blue-3 team after it had collected.

I carried the drum set to the studio near the house in the evening. AGEHA of LOGIQ and Kenji of the bullet helped me.I use the drum set by live event "Over The Edge" at the end of the year. The drum set is wrapped by the green sparkle color. Will you have seen?☆I use the drum set for the first time since January 4th. It is a day when AN CAFE did live in Nippon Budoukan. My drum setting is different from that time. The number of Tom that I used changed, too. To practice several times by my drum set, I have reserved the studio. Incidently, I should substitute the head of the bass drum. Do not use "AN CAFEo(≧∀≦)o" when I play the drum in other bands.

Will you feel that it is very short from Christmas to the New Year's Eve?It is only remaining a little this year. Let's hold out. The image is Ryu who is applying the mike to Kanon while preparing USTREAM yesterday. Ryu seems to be fiddling with penguin's tail(laughs).