明日もいいライブにするぜ! | アンティック-珈琲店-(AN CAFE) 輝喜 OFFICIAL BLOG「則天去私」powered by Ameba


93425477.jpg今日は夕方からthe bulletのリハでした。今日は伶希くんと5人、年末のCCレモンメンバーでのリハでした!それから先日仕入れた新しいスネアのうちの一台を試しに持って行きました。メンバーからは「こっちの方がいい!」と好評でした☆今日持って行った一台は今風な、ヘヴィでソリッドで、ある意味野蛮な感じの一台。もともと僕はそういうのがあまり好きじゃなかったんですけど、やっぱりレンジは広く、いろいろと対応できるように、今風の中でも自分が好きになれる一台を購入したのです。



I have participated in the rehearsal of the bullet since the evening today. It rehearsed with Ryouki today. It is a member who participates in the event of "Over the Edge" at the end of the year. After that, I took one of new snares that had been stocked the other day by way of experiment. It was popular from the member of the bullet , saying that "Here is better".☆The snare that I of today took is one of certain barbarous feeling to mean by the solid with heavy of the present style. I did not like sound that the wind became popular recently now so much.However, the one that the present style was able to come for me to like it especially to correspond variously was chosen.

Afterwards, I have participated in the rehearsal of Spyralcall by the start at midnight.I took another one by way of experiment. I will take two candidates live of tomorrow, and decide it with the member of Spyralcall.I enjoy that it works hard live of tomorrow!

The image is a signature of me with whom the studio that entered today is decorated. The next of MIKE MANGINI(*´θ`*)