[HTML] Analysis of the association between testosterone and cardiovascular disease potential risk factor apolipoprotein B in adult males without cancer: national health and …

Z Chen, G Jiang, G Huang - Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2024
Background Over the years, there has been extensive exploration of the association
between testosterone and lipid profiles, yet the precise mechanisms underlying their
interaction remain incompletely elucidated. Similarly, there is a dearth of research on
the correlation between serum apolipoprotein B (apoB) and serum total testosterone
(TT), particularly within specific populations. Methods We conducted a cross-
sectional study to assess the relationship between serum TT concentration and …
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蔡玉婷, 茹毅, 孙坤, 张继, 吴建平, 李丹, 冯汉青 - 生物工程学报, 2023
口蹄疫(foot-and-mouth disease, FMD) 是由口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus,
FMDV) 引起的一种急性, 烈性, 高度接触性传染病, 严重危害畜牧养殖业健康发展.
口蹄疫灭活疫苗是口蹄疫防控的主导产品, 为控制口蹄疫流行起到了重要作用;
但是也存在抗原不稳定, 在生产制备过程中存在因病毒灭活不彻底而散毒的风险,
生产成本较高等问题. 与传统的微生物和动物生物反应器相比, 通过转基因技术以植物
作为生物反应器生产抗原蛋白, 具有成本低廉, 安全便捷, 易于储运等一些优势 …
引用: ‪Prevention of necrosis caused by transient expression in Nicotiana …‬  編集
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