



Good morning! Today's theme is one of my favorites--Japanese English. In particular, new words that are formed when English nouns are mixed with Japanese verbs. Geez, these are awesome. How I love Japanese English! If it weren't for these words, I wouldn't be able to make you laugh with my blogs. Anyway, let's get started!!


1. ググって。(Google it.) 初めてこの単語(単語って言っていいかな?)を聞いた時に、意味がわからんかったけど、単語の響きが好きなあんちゃんは恋に落ちた。なんて、素敵な響きがある単語やろう?聞けば聞くほど意味がわかるようになった。Googleはカタカナで「グーグル」と書く。で、「グーグル」に「する」を付ける。最後に「する」の「す」と「ー」を外して、「ググる」という辞書形の単語ができた。でもさ、この言語学マジックはまだ終わってないバイ。最後に命令形にしないと。「る」を外して、「って」を付けると、素敵な単語ができた!文法を考えると、「ググって」と「ククって」は一緒。女の子がいるお母さんは、朝に「髪の毛くくって!」というようね。(また、素敵な響きがある単語見つけたな。。。)ググってはバリバリ素敵な和製英語なんだ。「ググって」は 英語で "Look it up on the Internet" を言うけど、一番簡単な言い方は "Google it."


1. Gugutte. That looks weird in romaji. The first time I heard this word (is it really a word?) I had no idea what it meant. Still, the sound of it was so beautiful that I fell in love with gugutte. The more I heard it, the more I understood what it meant. If you write the word "Google" in katakana, it looks like guuguru. Then, you add the verb suru to it. Finally, you take off the su- from suru and get the wonderful word guguru. Then, the real magic happens. You have to turn it into the command form of the verb. Take of the -ru and add -tte, and you are left with one awesome word. If you look at it grammar-wise, gugutte  and kukutte (tie up your hair) are the same. If you are a mom with a little girl, you use this word a lot. In the mornings you say, "Tie up your hair!" Man, this word sounds awesome, too. Anyways, gugutte is a wonderful Japanese English words. If you want to say it in English, you would say, "Look it up on the Internet." But this easiest way to say it is just, "Google it."


2. ナビる。(To use GPS, Car Navigation System) この素敵な単語も今年初めて知った。「ググって」と似たような作り方やろう?名詞の和製英語、「ナビ」に「する」を付けて、「す」を外す。もちろん「ナビる」も命令形にできる。なんか、新しい日本語の単語を作ることはバリバリ簡単やん。英語では、ナビはGPSと言います。Global Positioning Systemの略だ。読者に教えてもらったのは、 Car Navigation System (ナビ) とGPSは同じものじゃないということだ。違いは、機能性だそうだ。だけど、多くのネーティーブの人は、その違いがわからないから、車のナビを示したい時、GPSを言う。私は、それはあまりCar Navigation Systemを聞かないね。私は「ナビる」という単語がバリ好き。使う機会を増やさないと。英語で、「ナビる」は、"Use GPS" と言います。


2. Nabiru. I learned this awesome word recently. It is grammatically very similar to gugutte. You take the Japanese English word nabi, and the verb suru, then take off the su-. You can make it into the command form too, if you want to. It is crazy easy to make new Japanese words. I should try it sometime. In English, you would say GPS, which is an abbreviation for Global Positioning System. I was actually taught by a reader that the English Car Navigation System (Nabi) and GPS are not the same thing. It seems that the difference is in functionality. But, most native English speakers don't know that, and they say GPS when they mean Car Navigation System. I love the word nabiru. I need to look for as many chances to use it as possible.


3。スタンバる(to stand by, to be on call, to wait)この単語はめちゃくちゃ面白い。この前、空手のママ達と大会について話していた時に、一人は「親はいろんな責任があるよー受付、記録など。けど他の人はずっとスタンばってる。」ちょっと待って。この素敵な単語を知らないでどうやって幸せに43年間生きて来たと?分析したくてたまらない。まず、英語でstand byはあまり言わない。飛行機の「キャンセル待ち」という意味でよく使うけど、あまり日常会話に出ない単語だ。


3. Stanbaru. This is a crazy interesting word. A while back, I was talking to the other moms at karate. One of the moms said, "At the tournament, we all have different duties. You may be in charge of check-in or recording the scores. But some people are stanbatte iru." Hold on. How did I live 43 years on this earth without knowing this fabulous word? I am overcome with the urge to grammatically dissect it. First, you have the English word "stand by," which we don't really use all that much. You do hear it at the airport when it refers to kyanseru machi,  but it is not a word that makes an appearance much in daily conversation. 


空手の大会の場合、なんと言うかな。Wait in case you are needed? 兎に角、この和製英語の作りが面白くてたまらない。まず、英語でstand byは言います。日本語でいうと、「スタンバイ。」でも、それは、日本人にとってちょっと言いにくいから「スタンバイ」になった。こういうパターンはよくある。例えば、condensed milkは、日本語で「コンデンスミルク」を言います。「コンデンスミルク」はバリバリ言いづらいからさ。日本人はみんな英語だと思っているドンマイも一緒。「ドンマインド」のほうがDon't mindに近いけど。ちなみに、この単語はアメリカでは使わないでね。Don't mind は英語じゃないからさ。英語で Don't worry about it か Never mind と言います。


In the case of being on stand by at the karate tournament, what would be the best English? Hmm. "Wait in case you are needed?" "Be on stand by?" Anyway, this is a great Japanese English word. Let's look at it. In English, you say "stand by." In Japanese, it would be sutando bai. But this is hard for Japanese people to say, so the -do is removed and it becomes sutanbai. You often see this pattern in Japanese English terms. For example, condensed milk becomes condense milk, because that word final -d is really hard to say. That awesome word that everyone thinks is English but it isn't, donmai, is the same. If donmai were English, it would be donto maindo. By the way, this word is pure Japanese English. In English we would say, "Don't worry about it," or "Never mind."




Anyway, let's get back to stanbaru. It is made the same way that its brothers guguru and nabiru are. I have an inkling that the founding father of this interesting word family is the famous daburu. For the longest time, I had no idea that this word came from the the English word "double." As a linguist, when I realized it, I got all warm and fuzzy inside. From this word daburu, a whole family of new words was born. I wanna make up a word too! What should it be? I gotta think about it...


4。スタバ 。(To go to Starbucks) まず、誰が考えて、この言語学の傑作?素敵すぎる。分析しよう。まず、「スターバックス」を「スタバ」に略する。で、「スタンバる」「ナビる]  [ググる] とほぼ同じパターンなんやけど、文法的に、「スタバに行く」は正しくない?けど、「スタバをする」になっている。「スターバックスでお茶をする?」の略になっているかもで、「する」の「す」を外して「る」になった。日本語の間違えた文法からこの素敵な単語が生まれた感じ。絶対に(Defintely) この素敵な単語を使うバイ。スタバろう!スタバりたくない!スタバざるを得ない!スタバばらなければならない。スタバりたい!スタバるバイ!素敵な単語の誕生が無限にある。


4. Sutabaru. First of all, who on earth came up with this awesome linguistic creation? It is off the charts awesome!! Let's take a look at it. First, you have the shop name Starbucks, which the abbreviation-loving Japanese make into Sutaba. It is a similar grammatical pattern to sutanbaru, nabiru, and guguru, but technically, you should say sutaba ni iku. But for some reason, it has become sutaba ni suru.  Perhaps the intended meaning is "Let's go get some coffee at Starbucks?"  Anyways, you take off the -su from suru, and get the linguistic gem sutabaru. I almost feel like this word was born from bad grammar. I will use this word for sure. Sutabarou! Sutabaritakunai! Sutabarazaru wo enai! Sutabaranakereba naranai! Sutabaritai! Sutabaru bai! There is no limit to the number of awesome words that can be born from this one.


5. 事故る (To be in an accident) マジウケる。誰かが、名詞の「事故」を動詞にしたかったらしい。多分作った人が、「る」を付けたらよかろう?と思った。今日の単語の中、「事故る」だけは和製英語じゃないんだけど、好きすぎて、このブログに入れざるを得なかった。今日、リストアップした5つの単語は日本語の教科書に入ってなかろう?日本語を習いたい外国人はどうしたらいい?困るわ。いや、困るじゃなくて、トラブるだ。最近、教科書に書いてある日本語は日本人は全く使わないことに改めて気づいた。まぁ、いいんじゃない?こういう風に毎日新しい単語を覚えるのがめちゃ好きやん。私も作ろうかな。何が良いか。。。わかった!ピーナッツバターがバリバリ好きなアンちゃんは毎日 [ピナバる」どう?全国に流行らせようよ!


5. Jikoru. Geez, this is great word. Some genius took the noun jiko, and was overcome with the urge to make it into a verb. Why not must stick -ru on the end? This word is not really Japanese English, since the word jiko is a native Japanese word, but I like it so much I just had to stick it into this blog. I doubt you will find any of these great words in a Japanese textbook. What are we Japanese learners to do? There are endless other words, too. Toraburu (to be in trouble) Panikuru (to panic) are just two of my favs. These days, I have realized once again that the Japanese that most native speakers use is often not found in textbooks. Well, that's ok, right? Learning new words like this in daily life is part of the fun of langauge learning. I think I will make a word of my own. Hmm. I got it! I love peanut butter, so my new word is piinabaru. What do you think? Let's spread it (no pun intended) all over Japan!




So there you have it. I had fun goofing around with the language today. Hope you enjoyed it! 



 I'm off to get me some peanut butter!! Later!! 


ディスする (to disrespect)

コクる (to proclaim your love for someone) (告白するの略) 

パニクる (to panic)

コピる (to make a copy)

バグる (to have bugs or problems with software)

チキる (to be chicken or cowardly) (臆病になる)