Shindy's Blog 読者の皆様へ

突然ですが、Shindy's Blog3周年を記念して、本日22:00~23:00までの1時間限定で、Shindy's Blog読者の皆様へ日頃の感謝と愛を込めて "Amebaなう祭り" を行います。

先月中旬このShindy's Blogは3周年を向かえ、Tour finalも先日無事に終了致しましたので、昨夜の琢磨なう祭りに引き続き連夜で今夜は私ShindyがAmebaなう祭りを行わせて頂きます。



For Shindy's Blog readers

It have been three years since I started this blog.

I want to thank everyone who is reading my blog.

That is why I decided to answer to your questions in Ameba Now tonight starting at 22 o'clock (Japanese time) until 23 o'clock. Notice: I will only answer to questions sent by 23 o'clock.

You can ask anything, about band or private questions too.

There might be delay in answering but please be patient!

Shindyより(。・ω・)ノ゙ See you soon♪