●カイロ空港従業員 約束された賃上げがないと不満 バス運行停止も | ● アモーレ航空 :エジプト・カイロ空港乗り入れ航空会社・カイロ空港から市内へのアクセス情報など。

● アモーレ航空 :エジプト・カイロ空港乗り入れ航空会社・カイロ空港から市内へのアクセス情報など。



●カイロ空港従業員 約束された賃上げがないと不満 バス運行停止も



Cairo International Airport employees threaten to block buses if demands go unmet

Cairo International Airport employees complain they have not received the increase in salaries promised in February 2011

Employees of Cairo International Airport threatened to escalate their protests Wednesday, saying they will block airport buses ― both internal buses transferring passengers between terminals and car parks and others transferring employees to their homes.
Workers told the media that they were promised a 30 per cent increase in salaries since February 2011, yet the increase failed to materialise as the airport administration claims a lack of resources.

Another group of protesting employees, air traffic controllers at the airport, complained that their salaries are five times less than other air traffic controllers in the national navigation company in Egypt, raising questions about the billions spent on projects in the airport with no regard given to employees working on these projects.

Ahmed Hafez, the chairman of Cairo International Airport, met with the protesting employees at the bus parking zone in the airport in an attempt to reach a solution. He promised to study their demands.

Ahram Online , Wednesday 1 Feb 2012