"Kindle Massachusetts Real Estate License Exam Prep: All-in-One Testing and Testing to Pass Massachusetts' PSI Real Estate Exam

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Features of Massachusetts Real Estate License Exam Prep (MA-RELEP): National Principles &amp Law Key Point Review (60 pages)  Real Estate Math Key Formula Review &amp Practice (20 pages) Massachusetts-Specific Laws and Practices (35 pages)  National Practice Tests (500 questions)  Massachusetts Practice Tests (100 questions)Massachusetts Sample Exam (100 questions)We know the real estate licensing exam can be tough, and very nerve-wracking to prepare for. That8217s why we created Massachusetts Real Estate License Exam Prep (MA-RELEP) the way we did. Since we have been managing real estate schools and developing curriculum for forty years, we know how all this works 8211 or fails to work. MA-RELEP is comprehensive in that it contains both key content review and testing practice. And the text review is Massachusetts-specific 8211 not just simplistic national content, but terse, relevant and accurate Massachusetts laws and regulations presented as a well-organized set of state 8216key 