"Read [Book] Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough

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Family Court has become a highly profitable business. In courtrooms across this nation, children are being torn away and isolated from their father or mother as they become pawns in a game designed to keep parents fighting and money flowing. Today, a narcissistic, abusive parent can easily use the 8220justice system8221 to punish, torment, and alienate the target parent. CPS workers frequently use their power to enable such abuse. Thier opinions are treated as scientific conclusions during trials where the alienated parent finds his or herself disparaged and maligned without evidence to back up such attacks other than the observations of these caseworkers.Maryann Petri8217s story is a critical example revealing the truth about Family Court corruption. It is a must-read for anyone going through such legal oppression, both to validate their suffering and to provide tools with which to fight back as Maryann teaches what she has learned. Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking 