
Delicate sensibility

2024-07-03 18:00:00


In life's turning points, you may start to notice things in this world that you previously didn't pay attention to, develop a keen sensitivity, or feel a desire to be kind to everyone.


However, these are fundamentally related to human intelligence and not directly related to Buddhist practice. In some cases, they can even become obstacles on the path to enlightenment.


This is because, in such a sensitive state, even if you hear the rare phrases of the Dharma, you might not recognize them as such and miss the opportunity for enlightenment.


Indeed, for some people, this will present a challenging aspect of their Buddhist practice.


Of course, a Buddhist practitioner aiming for enlightenment is seeking "the essence of true kindness," that is, Buddha's wisdom, and there is always the risk of confusing this with delicate human intelligence.


So, how can a Buddhist practitioner seek Buddha's wisdom without falling into human intelligence?


It is important to sincerely seek "the essence of true kindness" while being mindful, whether experiencing delicate sensitivity or, conversely, robust feelings.


By doing so, if these delicate sensitivities are merely human intelligence, they will gradually subside, allowing one to regain a calm mind.


Additionally, if these feelings were a premonition of approaching Buddha's wisdom, this approach will further bring one closer to Buddha's wisdom.


In any case, it is important for a Buddhist practitioner not to delude themselves and to earnestly aspire to know the truth.

